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The Holiday Fair arrives in Naples: discover the unmissable proposals

Naples, with its rich history, vibrant culture and fascinating traditions, is an ideal destination to spend the Easter holidays. During Holy Week, the city transforms into a stage for religious events, celebrations and customs that date back centuries, making this time of year particularly evocative for visitors. Easter in Naples is not only a religious holiday, but also an opportunity to discover the artistic, architectural and gastronomic beauties of one of the most fascinating cities in Italy.

In this article, we will explore ten unmissable experiences that make Holy Week in Naples a unique and unforgettable moment. We will start with the famous Holy Week processions, which enchant participants with their colors and their solemnity. We will continue with a visit to the Sansevero Chapel, a jewel of Baroque art which houses extraordinary works such as the Veiled Christ. There will be a stop at the Cathedral of Naples for the traditional Easter Mass, a moment of great spiritual significance for the local community.

Our guide will take us through a tour of the Decumani, in the heart of the historic center, and we will delight ourselves with the tasting of pastiera and casatiello, two typical Neapolitan Easter desserts. We will not forget to admire Vesuvius, the ruins of Pompeii and walk along the Lungomare Caracciolo, enjoying the breathtaking view. Finally, we will enter the catacombs of San Gennaro and conclude our journey with a trip to Capri and the Amalfi Coast, two true paradises that further enrich the Easter experience. Get ready to experience an unforgettable Easter in Naples, immersed in a tradition that has its roots in the history and culture of this extraordinary city.

Holy Week Processions

The most heartfelt religious tradition in Naples

The Holy Week Processions are one of the most important and evocative events of the Neapolitan religious tradition. They take place every year during the week preceding Easter and involve the whole city in a series of ceremonies and rites that date back centuries.

The processions, organized by the various brotherhoods present in the city, see sacred statues of Jesus Christ, the Madonna and various saints parade through the streets of Naples, accompanied by faithful in prayer and by musical bands playing funeral marches. The statues are often works of art of great artistic value, created by local master sculptors.

The processions wind through the narrow and characteristic streets of the historic center of Naples, creating an evocative and engaging atmosphere. During Holy Week, the streets are decorated with flowers and colorful drapes, and people look out of the windows to watch the passage of the sacred statues.

The Holy Week Processions represent a moment of great devotion and spirituality for the Neapolitans, who participate in large numbers in these religious rites. It is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the tradition and culture of Naples, and to live an authentic and evocative experience.

Visit to the Sansevero Chapel

History and description

The Sansevero Chapel, located in the heart of the historic center of Naples, is one of the most fascinating and mysterious places in the city. Built in the 18th century at the behest of Prince Raimondo di Sangro, the chapel is known for the extraordinary beauty of the works of art it houses, including the famous "Veiled Christ" by Giuseppe Sanmartino.

Works of art

The absolute masterpiece of the chapel is undoubtedly the "Veiled Christ", a marble sculpture that represents Christ taken down from the cross and covered by a transparent veil that almost seems to float in the air. Other noteworthy works are the "Disinganno" by Francesco Queirolo and the "Modude" by Antonio Corradini, both sculptures that leave you breathless with their mastery and realism.

Guided tour

To fully appreciate the beauty of the Sansevero Chapel it is advisable to take part in a guided tour, during which an expert will lead you to discover the works of art present and reveal the secrets and curiosities linked to the chapel and its history. Guided tours are available in different languages ​​and offer a unique and engaging experience.

In conclusion, a visit to the Sansevero Chapel is an unmissable experience for anyone who is in Naples, a journey into the heart of art and history that leaves a profound imprint on the mind and heart of those lucky enough to live it.

Easter Mass at the Cathedral of Naples

The Easter Mass at the Cathedral of Naples is one of the most evocative and exciting moments of the city's religious tradition. During Holy Week, the Cathedral of Naples, dedicated to San Gennaro, becomes the fulcrum of Easter celebrations, attracting faithful and tourists from all over the world.

The Easter Mass at the Cathedral of Naples is a solemn and majestic ceremony, characterized by sacred songs, prayers and moments of reflection. During the celebration, the bishop of Naples presides over the liturgy and imparts the blessing to the faithful present. The atmosphere inside the Cathedral is full of spirituality and devotion, making this moment a unique and unforgettable experience for anyone who participates.

The Easter Mass at the Cathedral of Naples is also an opportunity to admire the beauty and majesty of this splendid church, rich in works of art and history. The frescoes, sculptures and decorations of the Cathedral represent a true artistic treasure, which further enriches the visitor experience.

Participating in the Easter Mass at the Cathedral of Naples is a special way to immerse yourself in the tradition and religious culture of the city, experiencing a moment of sharing and communion with the local community. This ceremony represents one of the most intense moments of Holy Week in Naples, and anyone who has the opportunity to participate should not miss this unique opportunity.

Tour of the Decumani

Explore the ancient streets of Naples

The Decumani tour allows you to immerse yourself in the ancient history of Naples, through the main streets of the city that date back to Roman times. The Decumani are the main streets that cut the city longitudinally and transversally, and are rich in history, art and culture.

During the tour, you will have the opportunity to admire the ancient churches, historic buildings and Renaissance squares that overlook these streets. You will also be able to visit the numerous artisan workshops that still keep the city's artisan traditions alive today.

One of the highlights of the Decumani tour is the visit to the Church of Santa Chiara, with its magnificent cloister decorated with majolica tiles. You can also walk along Spaccanapoli, one of the oldest and most fascinating streets in Naples, which divides the city into two parts.

Don't miss the opportunity to take part in this fascinating tour that will allow you to discover the most authentic and historical side of Naples, through the streets that have seen emperors, artists and illustrious people pass by over the centuries.

Pastiera and Casatiello tasting

Typical dishes of the Neapolitan Easter tradition

The pastiera and casatiello tasting is an unmissable culinary experience for those visiting Naples during the Easter holidays. Pastiera is a typical dessert of the Neapolitan tradition, prepared with ingredients such as cooked wheat, ricotta, sugar, eggs, candied fruit and orange blossom. Its unique flavor and its soft consistency make it a dessert much appreciated not only by Neapolitans, but by all those who have been lucky enough to taste it.

The casatiello, on the other hand, is a savory dish made with leavened dough, cheese, cured meats and hard-boiled eggs. Prepared for Easter, casatiello is served as an appetizer or as a main course and represents a consolidated tradition of Campania gastronomy. Its crown shape, with whole hard-boiled eggs placed on the surface, makes it a scenographic and tasty dish at the same time.

During Holy Week in Naples, numerous restaurants and pastry shops offer the opportunity to taste these typical dishes, allowing visitors to fully immerse themselves in the culture and traditions of the city. The tasting of pastiera and casatiello is a moment of conviviality and discovery of Neapolitan cuisine, which contains authentic flavors rich in history.

Excursion to Vesuvius


The excursion to Vesuvius is a unique experience for those who visit Naples and want to immerse themselves in the history and nature of this region. Vesuvius is one of the most famous volcanoes in the world, best known for the eruption in 79 AD. which destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum.


To reach Vesuvius it is possible to take part in an organized excursion that starts from Naples or Sorrento. During the journey you will be able to admire the breathtaking landscape of the Amalfi Coast and the Gulf of Naples. Once you arrive at the Vesuvius car park, you can choose whether to follow the path to the crater or take the cable car. The trail is quite challenging, but the panoramic view from the crater is definitely worth the effort.

Once you reach the crater, you will be able to admire the surrounding lunar landscape and feel in touch with the power of nature. It is also possible to book a guide who will explain the history and geology of the volcano during the visit.

For those who love nature and adventure, the excursion to Vesuvius is an unforgettable experience that allows you to experience a piece of history and admire breathtaking landscapes.

Visit to the Pompeii excavations

Information about the visit

The Pompeii excavations are one of the most important archaeological sites in the world and attract millions of visitors every year. Located near Vesuvius, these ancient ruins tell the story of the city of Pompeii, which was buried under ash and lapilli during the volcano's eruption in 79 AD. The visit to the Pompeii ruins offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the daily life of the ancient Roman city, with its paved streets, well-preserved houses, temples and theaters.

What to see

During the visit to the Pompeii excavations, it is possible to admire numerous sites of interest, including the Forum, the Teatro Grande, the Villa dei Misteri, the ancient glories, the baths and much more. One of the highlights of the visit is the Villa of the Mysteries, famous for the frescoes depicting mysterious rituals linked to the cult of Dionysus. Furthermore, it is possible to visit the famous Garden of the Fugitives, where the statues of the victims of the eruption were found.

Tips for visiting

To fully enjoy the Pompeii Ruins experience, it is advisable to book a guided tour with an expert archaeologist who can provide insights into the history and art of the ancient Roman city. Furthermore, it is advisable to wear comfortable shoes and bring water and sunscreen, as the site is very large and exposed to the sun. Finally, it is advisable to dedicate at least half a day to the visit to be able to explore the main archaeological sites and admire the wonders of Pompeii.

Walk along the Lungomare Caracciolo

The Caracciolo seafront:

The Lungomare Caracciolo is one of the most famous and panoramic walks in Naples. It extends for approximately 3 kilometers along the sea, offering breathtaking views of the Gulf of Naples and Vesuvius. This waterfront is the ideal place for a leisurely walk, a run or simply to sit and enjoy the view.

The attractions along the seafront:

Along the Lungomare Caracciolo it is possible to admire various attractions, including the Castel dell'Ovo, one of the oldest castles in Naples located on an island connected to the mainland by a bridge. Furthermore, along the promenade there are numerous bars, restaurants and ice cream parlors where you can taste the culinary specialties of the city.

Waterfront Activities:

In addition to enjoying the panoramic views and attractions along Lungomare Caracciolo, you can participate in various recreational activities such as renting bicycles or rickshaws to explore the area, or taking part in an outdoor yoga class overlooking the sea . During the summer evenings, the Lungomare also becomes the ideal place to spend pleasant evenings in company, perhaps enjoying an ice cream or sipping a drink in one of the numerous bars along the promenade.

Tour of the Catacombs of San Gennaro

Tour information

The Catacombs of San Gennaro are one of the most evocative places to visit in Naples. This tour will allow you to explore an underground complex of great historical and religious importance. The catacombs are located in the Rione Sanità, one of the oldest and most fascinating neighborhoods in the city.

During the guided tour you will have the opportunity to discover the history of San Gennaro, the patron saint of Naples, and to admire the ancient tombs and frescoes that decorate the underground galleries. This sacred place has been used as a burial place since Roman times and still preserves numerous archaeological finds of great value.

Practical details

The tour of the Catacombs of San Gennaro is available every day of the week, with different time slots to choose the one best suited to your needs. The duration of the visit is approximately an hour and a half and the cost of the entrance ticket varies depending on the age and type of visit chosen.

It is advisable to book the tour of the Catacombs of San Gennaro in advance, as places are limited and you may risk not finding availability if you decide to show up directly on site without a reservation. During the visit, it is mandatory to follow the instructions of the staff and respect the rules of behavior inside the catacombs.