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Discover the legend of Janara: the Campanian witch to keep away in Naples

Italian popular tradition is full of fascinating legends and mysterious figures, and among these the figure of Janara stands out, a witch typical of Campania culture, in particular linked to Naples and Benevento. This article aims to immerse ourselves in the enchanted and disturbing world of Janara, exploring its origins, characteristics and its impact on the culture and daily life of Campania communities. The figure of Janara is not only a symbol of superstition, but also represents a cultural heritage that has its roots in history and local myths.

We begin with a journey through the origins of the legend of Janara, exploring the stories that have contributed to building its myth over the centuries. We will discover the distinctive characteristics of this figure, which make it as fascinating as it is feared. The link with Benevento, a city rich in stories linked to magic and witchcraft, will be fundamental to understanding the origins and evolutions of Janara.

We will then move to Naples, where Janara has taken on a particular form through myths and stories that continue to circulate through the streets of the city. We will learn to recognize the signs that can suggest the presence of a Janara and we will discover the powers attributed to these mysterious figures. In a context of growing interest in popular traditions, we will explore the methods and rituals that ordinary people have implemented to protect themselves from its influence.

Finally, we will take a look at the representation of Janara in contemporary Neapolitan culture and the opportunities to explore this legend through guided tours and thematic tours. A journey that not only reveals the charm of Campania witchcraft, but also invites us to reflect on how traditions and beliefs intersect with the identity of a vibrant city like Naples.

Origin of the legend of Janara

The Janara is a legendary figure present in the popular tradition of Campania, particularly in Naples and its surroundings. Its name derives from the Latin "Ianua", door, since it is believed that it can open the door between the earthly world and the afterlife. The legend of Janara dates back to ancient times, when it is said that a woman of extraordinary beauty was accused of witchcraft and condemned to the stake. Before dying, the woman cursed the country and promised to return in the form of Janara to take revenge.

The characteristics of the Janara

Origin of the legend of Janara

Janara is a legendary figure present in the popular tradition of Campania, particularly in Naples and its surroundings. Its origin dates back to ancient times, when popular beliefs were very present in daily life. The Janara is said to be an evil witch, capable of transforming into various forms to deceive people and bring bad luck. Her figure is associated with evil and mystery, and is often described as an elderly woman with magical powers.

The characteristics of the Janara

The Janara is usually described as an elderly woman, with long black hair and piercing eyes. He wears dark clothes and has a menacing appearance. He is said to possess supernatural powers, such as the ability to predict the future, cause illness and misfortune, and create illusions to deceive people. His presence is often associated with abandoned or secluded places, where he is said to carry out his evil spells.

The link between Janara and Benevento

The figure of Janara is closely linked to the city of Benevento, where the tradition of witches and sabbats is said to originate. According to legend, witches gathered in Benevento to celebrate magical and dark rites, and Janara was one of the main figures of these meetings. Even today, the city is associated with the figure of Janara and her misdeeds.

The Janara in Naples: myths and stories

In Naples, the figure of Janara is very present in popular tradition. Numerous myths and legends are told about her, and her presence is often evoked to explain inexplicable or unfortunate events. The Janara is said to be able to influence the fate of people and is dangerous to encounter at night, especially in isolated places.

How to recognize a Janara

Recognizing a Janara is not easy, as it is capable of taking on various forms to deceive people. However, it is said to have some distinctive traits, such as piercing eyes and menacing appearance. Furthermore, its presence is often accompanied by a sense of fear and restlessness, which can help identify it.

The powers of the Janara

The Janara is considered an evil witch with supernatural powers. He is said to possess the ability to predict the future, cause illness and misfortune, and create illusions to deceive people. Its presence is often associated with negative and unfortunate events, and it is believed to bring evil to those who cross its path.

Continue reading to find out more about Janara and how to protect yourself from it.

The link between Janara and Benevento

Origins of the legend

The figure of Janara is present not only in Naples, but also in Benevento, a city that shares many legends and traditions with the Neapolitan capital. According to legend, Janara is an evil witch who lives in the countryside around Benevento and Naples. It is said that its origin is linked to the cult of the Roman goddess Diana, venerated in the Campania countryside as the protector of women and births.

Legends and rites linked to Benevento

Janara is often associated with the night of St. John, June 23, when witches are said to gather to celebrate the summer solstice. In Benevento, it is said that witches gather under the famous witches' tree, a walnut tree said to have been planted by Satan himself. During this magical night, mysterious rites are performed and supernatural powers are invoked.

The link between Janara and Benevento is therefore very strong, since both cities are places rich in ancient traditions linked to the world of the supernatural and magic. The legends and rites linked to the Janara in Benevento are still very much alive today in the popular culture of the city, which jealously preserves the ancient traditions linked to the witches and mysterious figures who populate the night of San Giovanni.

The Janara in Naples: myths and stories

Origins of the legend

The legend of Janara has ancient roots and has its origins in the popular tradition of Campania. It is said that the Janara is a sort of evil witch or sorceress, capable of taking on different guises to attract and harm people. According to legend, the Janara lives in the volcanic caves of Vesuvius and feeds on human flesh.

Presence in Naples

Naples is one of the cities in which the figure of Janara is particularly present. There are numerous tales and legends that speak of encounters with this evil creature, which is often described as an elderly woman with red eyes and long, sharp nails.

Stories and testimonies

In Neapolitan folktales, Janara is often associated with unfortunate or mysterious events, such as mysterious disappearances or sudden illnesses. It is said that Janara is capable of causing harm to people through curses and spells, and that it is particularly active during full moon nights.

In some stories, it is said of people who managed to defeat the Janara thanks to specific rituals or spells, but the creature continues to represent a disturbing presence in Neapolitan culture.

The Janara is therefore a legendary figure who continues to arouse fascination and fear among the inhabitants of Naples, helping to keep tradition and popular beliefs linked to the supernatural alive.

How to recognize a Janara

Physical appearance:

The Janara is described as a woman of small stature, with black hair and eyes as red as embers. He wears dark clothes and has an evil smile that often scares those who meet his gaze.


The Janara is known for being a cunning and manipulative creature. It is said that she can take the form of an old woman to deceive people and lead them astray. She usually wanders around the dark alleys of cities at night, looking for victims to torment.

Distinguishing features:

One of the Janara's defining characteristics is its power to cause nightmares and frightening visions in people within its range. Furthermore, it is said that she can cast curses and illnesses on those who dare to defy her.

To protect yourself from a Janara, it is advisable to avoid walking alone at night, not to accept gifts from strangers and to always keep a protective amulet, such as garlic or laurel, with you.

The Janara is a folk figure very present in Neapolitan culture and continues to arouse fascination and terror among the local population. Its stories are handed down from generation to generation and are often at the center of propitiatory rites and popular traditions.

The powers of the Janara

The Janara is a legendary figure endowed with supernatural powers, which make her a fearsome and mysterious creature. Among the powers attributed to this Neapolitan witch is the ability to take on different forms, often that of a beautiful woman to attract unaware victims. Additionally, it is said that the Janara can control the weather, causing storms and natural disasters to punish those who cross her path.

Another power attributed to the Janara is the ability to predict the future and influence the destiny of people. It is said that she can cast curses and spells that bring misfortune and misfortune to anyone who manages to irritate her. At the same time, Janara is known for her ability to cure illnesses and health problems, although she often demands a very high price in exchange for her services.

The Janara is considered an ambivalent presence, capable of bringing both benefit and ruin to those who approach it. Her powers are linked to black magic and the tradition of witches, and her figure continues to arouse fascination and fear among the inhabitants of Naples and the surrounding areas.

Methods for protecting oneself from Janara

1. Protective objects

To protect oneself from Janara, objects believed to be capable of warding off evil are traditionally used. Among these objects we find garlic, salt, iron and chili pepper. Carrying one of these items with you can help keep Janara away.

2. Spells and prayers

Other methods of protecting yourself from Janara include the use of spells and prayers. Prayers addressed to San Benedetto, patron saint of Benevento, are particularly effective in warding off evil spirits, including Janara.

3. Avoid infested places

To protect yourself from Janara, it is advisable to avoid frequenting places known to be haunted by evil spirits. It is recommended not to venture alone into isolated or abandoned places during the night, when the Janara's presence is believed to be strongest.

4. Keep the faith

Finally, an important way to protect yourself from Janara is to maintain your faith and spirituality. The Janara is an evil entity that seeks to test people's faith, so maintaining a strong connection with one's religion can help repel its negative influences.

Popular traditions and rites against the Janara

The fight against Janara in Neapolitan popular traditions

Naples is a city rich in popular traditions linked to the figure of Janara, the evil witch who terrorizes people with her dark powers. In Neapolitan popular culture, there are various rites and practices to protect oneself from Janara and ward off its negative influence.

One of the most widespread rites is that of salt, considered a powerful deterrent against Janara. It is said that keeping salt in your pocket or spreading salt around your home can protect you from the evil influences of the witch. Other traditional methods to ward off the Janara include the use of garlic, chili pepper and iron, considered materials capable of counteracting the witch's evil powers.

In Neapolitan popular traditions, ancient rites of purification and protection are also handed down, such as the use of specific spells and prayers to ward off the Janara and preserve one's home and family from possible evil spells. These rites are often passed down from generation to generation, keeping alive the belief in protection against dark forces.

The popular traditions linked to Janara are still deeply rooted in Neapolitan culture today, testifying to the profound spirituality and strong identity of the city. Although the figure of the Janara is often seen as threatening and frightening, popular traditions offer a way to face and counteract evil, strengthening the bond between people and their history.

The Janara in Neapolitan culture contemporary

The figure of Janara continues to be present in contemporary Neapolitan culture, albeit in a more marginal way than in the past. In the popular neighborhoods of Naples, especially during traditional holidays and celebrations, it is still possible to find references to Janara through songs, dances and theatrical performances. Furthermore, Janara is often mentioned in tales and legends passed down from generation to generation.

The Janara has also become a symbol of Naples and its rich folklore tradition. Many artisan workshops produce objects inspired by the figure of Janara, such as amulets and statuettes, which are used to protect homes and people from the evil eye and negative influences.

The Janara has been the subject of studies and research by anthropologists and scholars of popular culture, who have tried to delve into the origins and meaning of this mysterious figure. Thanks to this research, Janara has been re-evaluated and rediscovered as an integral part of the Neapolitan cultural heritage.

Finally, the Janara has also been represented in contemporary artistic works, such as paintings, sculptures and theatrical performances, which enhance its enigmatic and fascinating aspect. In this way, the figure of Janara continues to live and inspire the creativity and imagination of artists and writers who are inspired by the Neapolitan popular tradition.