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Discover the culinary tradition of Naples: Genovese, a typically Neapolitan dish

Naples, with its cultural and gastronomic heritage, is one of the most fascinating and tradition-rich Italian cities. Among the delights that characterize Neapolitan cuisine, Genovese occupies a place of honor, not only for its enveloping and unmistakable flavor, but also for the history and culture it brings with it. This dish, which has its roots in a distant past, represents a perfect combination of simple ingredients and preparation techniques that require time and patience, thus reflecting the authentic soul of the Neapolitans.

Genovese is much more than a simple pasta dish with sauce; it is a symbol of conviviality and tradition, which is handed down from generation to generation. Every Neapolitan family has its own recipe, the result of small variations and jealously guarded secrets. Over the years, Genovese has acquired such fame that it has become an emblem of local cuisine, appreciated not only by residents, but also by tourists who visit the city.

In this article, we will delve into the ten key points that make up the world of Genovese. We will discover its historical origins, the main ingredients, and the particular choice of meat, and then explore the preparation of the onions, the slow cooking technique and the traditional combinations that make it unique. We will not fail to analyze the regional variations, its place in Naples restaurants and the role it plays in local holidays. Finally, we will reflect on how Genovese is an integral part of Neapolitan culture, a dish that tells stories and traditions, binding people to each other and to their past. Get ready for a culinary journey that will take you to the heart of Naples!

Historical origins of Genovese

Genovese is a typical dish of the Neapolitan culinary tradition, whose origins date back to the 17th century. It is said that the recipe was brought to Naples by Genoese sailors during a stop in the Neapolitan city. Initially, Genovese was prepared mainly for religious holidays, such as Good Friday, as a substitute for fish, which was forbidden to eat during Lent.

Genovese owes its name to the particular onion sauce that characterizes it, called "Genovese" in homage to the city from which the recipe appears to come. Over the centuries, Genovese has become a dish loved by all Neapolitans, who prepare it with dedication and passion, respecting the tradition handed down from generation to generation.

Main ingredients of Genovese

Genovese is a typical dish of Neapolitan cuisine, particularly appreciated for its rich and enveloping flavour. The main ingredients that make up this dish are few but essential, and each one contributes to creating the characteristic taste of Genovese.


Onions are the main ingredient of Genovese and determine its sweet and intense flavour. To prepare the Genovese it is necessary to use a large quantity of onions, which are finely chopped and then simmered slowly until they reach a soft and creamy consistency.


The meat used to prepare Genovese is traditionally beef, cut into medium-sized pieces. The meat is cooked together with the onions for several hours, until it becomes soft and succulent, absorbing all the flavors of the preparation. Some chefs also use pork or lamb to enrich the flavor of Genovese.


To ensure slow and uniform cooking of the meat and onions, it is advisable to add broth when preparing the Genovese. The broth helps to keep the dish moist and tasty, preventing it from drying out too much during the long cooking in the pan.

Finally, the Genovese is enriched with extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper and a splash of white wine, which give further nuances of flavor to the dish. Genovese is a rich and substantial dish, ideal to be enjoyed in the colder months of the year, when its enveloping scent fills the house with warmth and welcome.

The choice of meat for Genovese

The choice of meat is a fundamental step in the preparation of Genovese, one of the most iconic dishes of the Neapolitan culinary tradition. The meat most commonly used for this dish is beef, in particular the piece called "girello". This cut of meat is particularly suitable for the slow and prolonged cooking that characterizes the preparation of Genovese, as it is soft and succulent once cooked properly.

The choice of high quality meat is essential to obtain a tasty and flavourful Genovese. It is important to prefer lean cuts without ribs to guarantee a soft and delicate consistency to the meat once cooked.

Some chefs and fans of Neapolitan cuisine also recommend using other meats, such as pork or lamb, to give the Genovese a more intense and decisive flavour. However, tradition dictates that the main meat is beef, to guarantee the typicality and authenticity of this Neapolitan dish.

Preparation of onions in the Genoese style

The choice of onions

To prepare a good Neapolitan Genovese it is essential to choose the right onions. Tropea red onions are the most recommended for their sweetness and their particular flavor which goes perfectly with the other ingredients of the dish. It is important to choose fresh, quality onions to ensure the success of the recipe.

Cut and preparation

The onions should be peeled and cut into thin slices or julienne strips, depending on personal taste. Some prefer thicker slices to give Genovese more consistency, while others opt for julienne for more uniform and faster cooking. It is important to pay attention when cutting the onions to ensure even cooking and an attractive presentation of the dish.

The gilding

Before adding the onions to the sauce, it is advisable to lightly brown them in a pan with extra virgin olive oil. This step allows the onions to develop a more intense flavor and adds a crunchy touch to the dish. It is important not to let them burn, but to brown them delicately to ensure perfect cooking and a unique Genoese flavour.

Slow cooking technique

Genovese, a typical dish of the Neapolitan culinary tradition, requires particular attention in cooking to guarantee maximum flavor and softness of the meat.

The slow cooking technique is fundamental for the preparation of Genovese. After sautéing the onions slowly in extra virgin olive oil, add the meat cut into pieces and leave to cook over a low heat for several hours. This allows the meat to slowly absorb all the flavors of the onions, wine and spices, creating a rich and tasty dish.

Slow cooking makes the meat extremely tender and succulent, allowing the flavors to blend perfectly and creating a creamy and enveloping texture. This technique requires patience and dedication, but the final result is a tasty and satisfying dish that best represents the Neapolitan culinary tradition.

Traditional pairings with Genovese

Genovese is a rich and tasty dish, which lends itself to being accompanied by various side dishes and drinks typical of the Neapolitan tradition. Here are some traditional combinations:

Pasta: Genovese is traditionally served with fresh pasta, such as paccheri or ziti. Fresh pasta is perfect for absorbing the tasty onion and meat sauce, creating a unique and irresistible mix of flavours.

Wine: To accompany the Genovese, we recommend choosing a robust and structured red wine, such as an Aglianico del Taburno or a Taurasi. These wines, typical of the Campania region, go perfectly with the intense flavors of the Genoese.

Vegetables: As a side dish, you can serve grilled or sautéed seasonal vegetables. The fresh and crunchy vegetables contrast pleasantly with the soft and enveloping consistency of the Genovese.

Bread: To make the slipper in the Genovese sauce, you cannot miss a good homemade bread, perhaps a freshly baked Neapolitan focaccia. The crispy bread is perfect for collecting every drop of sauce and leaving nothing on the plate.

In conclusion, Genovese is a complex and rich dish, which lends itself to being accompanied by various traditional combinations that enhance its flavors and its Neapolitan culinary tradition.

Regional variations of Genovese

Genovese is a typical dish of the Neapolitan culinary tradition, but has some regional variations that enrich its history and preparation.

One of the best-known variations is the "Genovese alla Genovese", typical of Liguria, which involves the use of beef instead of pork and the addition of potatoes and carrots to the basic recipe. This version is lighter and has a more delicate flavor than the Neapolitan Genovese.

Another variant is the "Genovese alla Siciliana", which involves the use of black olives and capers to enrich the flavor of the sauce and give a stronger taste to the dish. This version is highly appreciated for its combination of intense flavors.

The "Genovese alla Calabrese" is another widespread variant, which involves the addition of chilli pepper to give a spicy note to the sauce and give an extra touch to the dish. This version is particularly appreciated by lovers of strong and spicy flavours.

Finally, "Genovese alla Romana" is a variant that involves the addition of pancetta and pecorino to the basic recipe, giving the dish a richer and more enveloping flavour. This version is highly appreciated for its creaminess and its intensity of flavours.

These regional variations of Genovese demonstrate the versatility of this dish and its ability to adapt to different Italian culinary traditions, thus enriching its history and its diffusion in the national gastronomic panorama.

Genovese in restaurants in Naples

Genovese is one of the most loved and sought after dishes in Naples restaurants.

The Neapolitan city is famous for its traditional cuisine and Genovese is one of the most representative dishes of the Neapolitan culinary tradition. In the restaurants of Naples it is possible to find different variations of this dish, each with its own personal touch that makes it unique.

Genovese is prepared with care and passion by Neapolitan chefs, who use high quality ingredients to guarantee an authentic and genuine flavour. The meat used for the Genovese is chosen carefully, preferring soft and succulent cuts that lend themselves well to the long cooking necessary to obtain the perfect consistency.

The preparation of Genovese requires time and patience, since the onions must be cooked slowly until they become soft and sweet, to then blend perfectly with the meat and create a thick and tasty sauce. This slow cooking technique is essential to obtain a dish rich in flavors and aromas.

In the restaurants of Naples it is possible to taste the Genovese in different variations, adapted to the preferences of the customers and the creativity of the chefs. Some restaurants offer Genovese with fresh homemade pasta, while others prefer to serve it with traditional side dishes such as baked potatoes or grilled vegetables.

Genovese is a dish that lends itself well to being accompanied by a good red wine, which enhances the intense and enveloping flavors of this traditional Neapolitan dish. In the restaurants of Naples it is possible to find a vast selection of local and national wines, ideal to best complete the gastronomic experience.

The restaurants of Naples are the ideal place to discover the true soul of Genovese and Neapolitan cuisine in general. Thanks to the passion and skill of the chefs, it is possible to enjoy an authentic and genuine dish, which tells the story and traditions of a city rich in unique flavors and aromas.

Genovese in Neapolitan festivities

Traditions and meaning

Genovese is an emblematic dish of the Neapolitan culinary tradition and is often prepared during the city's most important religious holidays. In particular, during Holy Week and the Christmas period, Genovese is one of the main dishes served in many Neapolitan families. This rich and tasty dish represents the essence of Neapolitan cuisine and is prepared with care and attention following recipes handed down from generation to generation.

During Holy Week, Genovese is often prepared on Good Friday, the day on which tradition requires the consumption of fish-based dishes. However, Genovese is so loved by Neapolitans that it is still prepared even during the Christmas period, accompanying family lunches and dinners during the holidays.

Its intense aroma and soft texture make it perfect for warming the heart during cold winter days and for bringing family and friends together around a table laden with traditional flavours.


During the Christmas holidays, Genovese is often prepared in large quantities and distributed to neighbors as a sign of generosity and sharing, in line with the Christmas spirit that characterizes Naples and its people.