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Find out which pizzeria will win the contest at the Napoli Pizza Village

The Napoli Pizza Village is an annual event that celebrates the culinary tradition of Neapolitan pizza, a globally recognized symbol of gastronomic excellence. This festival, which takes place along the picturesque seafront of Naples, not only attracts lovers of good food, but also represents an important showcase for master pizza chefs who compete in an exciting contest, aimed at decreeing the best pizzeria of the year . The rich history of the Napoli Pizza Village, which has been able to grow and adapt to new gastronomic trends, is the ideal stage to highlight the art of pizza, a dish that embodies centuries of tradition and passion.

In this article, we will explore the various aspects of the contest that animates the Napoli Pizza Village, dividing our journey into ten key points. We will start with a historical overview of the origin and evolution of the festival, and then move on to the regulations that guide the contest and the competing pizzerias. The evaluation criteria, fundamental to guarantee a fair and transparent competition, will be analyzed in detail, as will the jury of experts called to express their opinion on the competing pizzas.

In addition, readers will find out who the favorites are to win and what’s new this year, which makes the event even more exciting. There will be no shortage of information on the collateral events that animate the festival and on how everyone can actively participate by contributing with their vote. Get ready to immerse yourself in the world of Neapolitan pizza and find out who will have the honor of lifting the trophy at the Napoli Pizza Village!

History of the Napoli Pizza Village

The Napoli Pizza Village is an annual event held in Naples since 2011 and which celebrates the culinary tradition of Neapolitan pizza. The idea of ​​creating this festival was born with the aim of promoting the culture of pizza and valorising Italian and international master pizza makers. Over the years, the Napoli Pizza Village has become one of the most important pizza-related events, attracting thousands of visitors from all over the world.

The festival usually takes place in the summer months, lasting about a week. During the event, the participating pizzerias offer their specialties in a festive and engaging atmosphere. In addition to tastings, the Napoli Pizza Village also offers shows, concerts, workshops and other activities related to the world of pizza.

Contest rules

The Napoli Pizza Village is an annual event dedicated to the culture of Neapolitan pizza, which is held every year in Naples in the month of June. One of the highlights of this festival is the contest that compares the best pizzerias in the city and beyond, to decree the best Neapolitan pizza of the year.

The contest regulations state that competing pizzerias must meet certain criteria to participate. Each pizzeria must present a traditional Neapolitan pizza, respecting the original recipe and using high quality ingredients. The pizzas must be cooked in a wood-fired oven and presented to the public in an attractive way.

The participating pizzerias are evaluated by a jury of industry experts, who take into account various criteria to decide the winner. Among the evaluation criteria are the quality of the ingredients, the cooking of the pizza, the presentation and the originality of the seasoning.

The contest jury is made up of starred chefs, food journalists, food and wine experts and representatives of local institutions. These judges taste the competing pizzas and assign a score based on pre-established criteria.

The competing pizzerias are carefully selected by the event organisers, who choose the best companies in the Neapolitan and national pizzeria scene. Among the participating pizzerias there are both historic names and new emerging realities, all sharing a passion for tradition and innovation.

The competing pizzerias

The Napoli Pizza Village is an event that sees the participation of numerous pizzerias from all over the world, ready to compete to obtain the title of best pizza of the festival. The competing pizzerias are carefully selected to guarantee the highest quality and variety of proposals. Among the participating pizzerias we can find both historical names of the Neapolitan tradition and innovative and creative pizzerias from different parts of the world.

The competing pizzerias offer a wide range of proposals, from the classic pizza margherita and pizza marinara, to gourmet versions with delicious and refined ingredients. Each pizzeria has the opportunity to present its creations to the public and the jury, demonstrating its mastery and creativity in the preparation of pizza.

The competing pizzerias are a real spectacle for pizza lovers, who can taste and compare the different proposals, discovering new flavors and combinations of ingredients. Each pizzeria brings with it its own tradition and history, giving the public a unique and unforgettable gastronomic journey.

The evaluation criteria

The Napoli Pizza Village is a highly anticipated event for pizza lovers, where the most famous and renowned pizzerias compete to obtain the title of best pizza in Naples. The evaluation criteria are very important to ensure fair and impartial competition.

The first evaluation criterion is certainly the quality of the ingredients used in the preparation of the pizza. The pizzas must be made with fresh, high quality products, following the traditions of true Neapolitan pizza.

Another fundamental aspect is the cooking of the pizza: it must be cooked evenly, with a soft and well-leavened dough. The consistency of the pizza is decisive for the judges' evaluation.

The presentation of the pizza is another key element for the evaluation: the pizza must be well seasoned and have an inviting appearance, which stimulates the diners' appetite. Creativity in presentation can make the difference between an ordinary pizza and an extraordinary pizza.

Finally, the taste of the pizza is an essential criterion for the final evaluation. The judges will evaluate the flavor and aroma of the pizza, seeking that perfect balance between ingredients and condiments that make pizza an irresistible dish.

These are just some of the evaluation criteria that will be taken into consideration during the Napoli Pizza Village, a one-of-a-kind event that celebrates the tradition and art of Neapolitan pizza.

The jury of contest

Composition of the jury

The Napoli Pizza Village jury is made up of experts in the gastronomic sector, renowned chefs, culinary critics, specialized journalists and personalities from the world of food and wine. Each member of the jury has extensive experience in the sector and contributes to the evaluation of the competing pizzas with competence and professionalism.

Duties of the jury

The jury has the task of evaluating the competing pizzas according to various pre-established criteria, including the quality of the ingredients, the cooking of the pizza, the presentation and the originality of the recipe. Each juror assigns a score to the pizzas based on these criteria and at the end of the competition the winning pizza is declared.

Transparency and impartiality

The Napoli Pizza Village jury is committed to ensuring transparency and impartiality in evaluations, ensuring that each pizza is evaluated fairly and objectively. The jurors are required to express their evaluations in a clear and motivated way, thus guaranteeing the correctness of the selection process of the winning pizza.

The competing pizzas

The Napoli Pizza Village hosts a competition every year between the best pizzerias in the city, who compete to win the title of best pizza in Naples. The competing pizzas are carefully selected by the event organisers, who choose the most renowned and awarded pizzerias in the city.

The pizzas in the competition are all prepared according to the Neapolitan tradition, using high quality ingredients and respecting traditional cooking methods. Each pizzeria presents its own special pizza, created for the occasion and characterized by unique and expertly combined ingredients.

The competing pizzas are evaluated by a jury of industry experts, who take into consideration various criteria to determine the best pizza. The presentation, the visual appearance, the consistency of the pasta, the flavor of the ingredients and the cooking are just some of the parameters taken into consideration to decide the winner.

The competing pizzas range from the classic margherita and marinara, to the more creative and innovative versions, which range from the combination of traditional ingredients to the more unusual and particular ones. Each pizzeria has the opportunity to showcase its creativity and mastery in the preparation of pizza.

The competing pizzas represent the best of the Neapolitan culinary tradition, offering visitors the opportunity to taste the most delicious and tasty creations from the city's pizzerias. The competition is a unique opportunity to discover and appreciate the richness and variety of Neapolitan pizzas, and to live an unforgettable experience of good cuisine and tradition.

The favorites to win

The favorites for the victory of the Napoli Pizza Village are always the most renowned pizzerias in the city of Naples and Campania. These establishments are famous for the quality of their ingredients, the skill of the pizza chefs and the tradition they have carried on for generations. Among the favorites for this year's victory there are certainly historic pizzerias such as Sorbillo, Da Michele, Di Matteo and Starita, which boast a long tradition in the preparation of Neapolitan pizza. In addition to these, there are also younger but equally popular pizzerias, such as 50 Kalo, La Notizia and Concettina ai Tre Santi, which are winning over more and more customers with their creativity and innovation.

Furthermore, we must not underestimate the pizzerias from other regions of Italy and abroad, which participate in the contest by bringing their own interpretation of Neapolitan pizza. These pizzerias often bring with them new ideas and preparation techniques that can amaze the jury and conquer the palates of visitors to the Napoli Pizza Village. In short, the competition is always very intense and the favorites to win can change at any moment, based on the performances of the pizzerias during the contest.

What's new this year

The Napoli Pizza Village

The Napoli Pizza Village is one of the most anticipated events of the year in Naples, dedicated to the celebration of traditional Neapolitan pizza. Each edition brings with it something new and this year is no exception. Among the main innovations of this year's Napoli Pizza Village we can mention:

New participating pizzerias:

This year some new pizzerias have been selected to participate in the contest, adding a further dose of competition and quality to the event. Visitors will therefore have the opportunity to taste the creations of new Neapolitan pizza talents.

Special events:

To make the experience even more engaging and interesting, several collateral events were organized during the Napoli Pizza Village. From performances by famous pizza chefs to guided tastings, there will always be something new to discover and enjoy.

Exclusive collaborations:

To further enrich the gastronomic offer of the event, exclusive collaborations have been established with renowned producers of typical Neapolitan pizza ingredients. This will guarantee the quality and authenticity of the competing pizzas, offering participants a unique and unforgettable experience.

Innovative technologies:

To facilitate the voting and participation process in the contest, this year a mobile application dedicated to Napoli Pizza Village was introduced. Thanks to this technological innovation, visitors will be able to vote for their favorite pizzas quickly and easily, helping to determine the winner of the competition.

These are just some of the innovations that will make this year's edition of the Napoli Pizza Village even more special and unforgettable. Don't miss the opportunity to experience the magic of Neapolitan pizza in a unique and evocative context like that of the Napoli Pizza Village!

Collateral events

The Napoli Pizza Village is not just a culinary competition, but also an opportunity to participate in collateral events that enrich the visitor experience. Here are some of the events planned during the event:

1. Cooking Show: During the Napoli Pizza Village numerous cooking shows will be organized held by renowned chefs, where it will be possible to learn the secrets for preparing the perfect pizza directly from professionals in the sector.

2. Tastings: It will be possible to participate in guided tastings of different types of pizza, from the classic to the most innovative, to discover new flavors and preparation techniques.

3. Acrobatic Pizza Contest: The master pizza chefs will compete in spectacular acrobatic pizza performances, demonstrating their skills in throwing and manipulating the dough.

4. Craft markets: Along the streets of the Napoli Pizza Village it will be possible to visit the craft markets, where you can buy typical local products and souvenirs linked to the Neapolitan tradition.

5. Musical and cultural shows: During the evenings of the event, musical and cultural shows will be held which will enliven the square and create a festive and engaging atmosphere for all participants.

These are just some of the collateral events that will make the Napoli Pizza Village a unique and unforgettable experience for all lovers of good food and Neapolitan tradition.