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Discover Naples with the new metro line 6: stops in Bagnoli and Posillipo and shows at the Acciaieria, how the former Italsider will be reborn

Naples, a city rich in history, culture and natural beauty, is preparing to experience a new era of urban and tourist development thanks to the inauguration of the new metro line 6. This ambitious project will not only facilitate travel between neighborhoods, but will also offer a new perspective for discovering lesser-known corners of the city, such as Bagnoli and Posillipo. Line 6 represents a unique opportunity for visitors and residents, making places of extraordinary beauty and interest accessible.

The Bagnoli stop, in particular, marks the beginning of a radical transformation for a neighborhood once marked by heavy industry. Here, the new metro will not only improve mobility, but will also encourage the redevelopment of areas that are slowly rediscovering their cultural identity. Posillipo, on the other hand, is an unmissable stop for those who want to admire the breathtaking views of the Gulf of Naples, with its splendid views that enchant those who go there.

But Line 6 doesn’t just connect places; represents a springboard for new tourism opportunities. Among these, the former Italsider, a symbol of the city’s industrial past, is preparing to be reborn as a cultural and artistic hub. The Steelworks, in particular, will become a center of events and shows, giving the community a place of meeting and creativity. The economic and social impact of this redevelopment will be significant, bringing not only development but also a new vitality to Naples.

In this article, we will explore in detail the ten fundamental points that outline the future of the city in light of the new metro line 6, highlighting how these changes can enrich the experience of every visitor and contribute to an increasingly lively and welcoming Naples.

The new line 6 of the Naples metro


Line 6 of the Naples metro is one of the latest additions to the city's public transport system. Inaugurated in 2013, this line extends for approximately 5.5 km and connects the Mergellina station to the Mostra d'Oltremare station, passing through several strategic stops such as Bagnoli, Fuorigrotta and the renowned area of ​​Posillipo.


Line 6 is fully automated and offers a fast and efficient service for residents and tourists who want to get around the city. Thanks to its modern infrastructure and the use of cutting-edge technologies, the Naples metro has significantly improved the quality of life of citizens and has contributed to reducing road traffic and air pollution.


Line 6 has opened up new development opportunities for various areas of the city, promoting urban redevelopment and the valorisation of historical and cultural sites. Furthermore, it has facilitated access to important places of tourist interest, such as the Bagnoli district and the suggestive Posillipo area, offering visitors the opportunity to explore Naples in a comfortable and sustainable way.

The new line 6 of the Naples metro represents an important step forward in the modernization of the city's public transport system, offering residents and tourists an efficient, safe and environmentally friendly service. Thanks to its extension and its connectivity with the other metro lines, line 6 has become an important artery for urban mobility in Naples, contributing to its economic and social development.

Bagnoli stop: a neighborhood in transformation

Description of the stop

The Bagnoli stop on line 6 of the Naples metro is located in the neighborhood of the same name, located in the western area of ​​the city. This neighbourhood, known for the presence of the former Italsider factory, is experiencing an important phase of transformation and redevelopment thanks to the new metropolitan line.

History and transformation

Bagnoli was an important industrial center in the Neapolitan area, with the presence of the former Italsider, an important steel factory that marked the economic history of the city. With the closure of the factory in the 1990s, the neighborhood was subjected to abandonment and degradation, but in recent years it has been experiencing a real rebirth thanks to redevelopment interventions and the creation of new tourist and cultural opportunities.

Attractions and services

Today, the Bagnoli stop is a gateway to the changing neighborhood, offering visitors the chance to discover the new attractions and services that are developing in the area. From the former Italsider transformed into a cultural and artistic hub, to the rebirth of the Steelworks with events and shows, Bagnoli is establishing itself as an unmissable tourist destination for those visiting Naples.

Posillipo: the stop for breathtaking views


Posillipo is one of the most evocative stops on line 6 of the Naples metro. Located in the area of ​​the same name, this residential neighborhood offers breathtaking views of the Bay of Naples and Mount Vesuvius. The metro station is located near the Posillipo hill, from which it is possible to admire the Gulf of Naples in all its beauty.

What to see

From Posillipo it is possible to visit some of the most evocative places in Naples, such as the Gaiola, one of the most exclusive bathing areas of the city, and the Virgiliano park, ideal for a walk in the open air. Furthermore, the metro stop is close to numerous restaurants and clubs where you can taste typical Neapolitan cuisine.


Posillipo is also the ideal starting point for boat excursions along the Neapolitan coast, to discover sea caves and hidden bays. Furthermore, the proximity to the hilly area allows you to take long walks immersed in nature, enjoying breathtaking views of Naples and the sea.


The Posillipo stop of line 6 of the Naples metro is a real jewel of the city, which allows tourists to discover one of the most evocative and panoramic areas of Naples. Thanks to its strategic position and the numerous points of interest in the surrounding area, Posillipo is an unmissable stop for those visiting the Neapolitan city.

New tourist opportunities thanks to line 6

The new line 6 of the Naples metro

Line 6 of the Naples metro was recently inaugurated and has opened up new tourist opportunities for the city. This line connects different areas of Naples, such as Bagnoli and Posillipo, offering visitors the opportunity to explore places of historical, cultural and landscape interest.

Economic and social impact of redevelopment

The redevelopment of the area around Line 6 has had a significant impact on the economy and society of Naples. New businesses, hotels and restaurants have developed along the metro route, creating new job opportunities and contributing to the city's economic growth.

The metro lines have become an important means of transport for tourists visiting Naples, facilitating travel between the city’s different attractions and offering a comfortable and efficient travel experience. Thanks to line 6, visitors can now easily reach places such as the former Italsider and the Steelworks, which have become important points of tourist interest.

Future projects for the former Italsider area

The former Italsider area, located along the route of line 6, is currently the subject of redevelopment and urban development projects. Local authorities are working to transform this industrial area into a cultural and artistic hub, which can attract visitors and contribute to the rebirth of the area.

In conclusion, line 6 of the Naples metro has opened up new tourism opportunities for the city, transforming previously neglected areas into places of interest for visitors. Thanks to its efficient transport network, line 6 is contributing to the economic and social growth of Naples, offering residents and tourists the opportunity to explore the city in a comfortable and sustainable way.

5. The former Italsider: an industrial past

The former Italsider is an area of ​​great historical importance for Naples, having long been one of the main industrial centers of the city. Founded in 1905, Italsider has played a fundamental role in the development of the Italian steel industry, contributing significantly to the country's economy.

The factory operated for decades, employing thousands of people and producing materials used in multiple industries. However, with the passing of the years and changes in the economic landscape, Italsider progressively lost importance, until its definitive closure in 1993.

Despite now being abandoned, the former Italsider area still retains traces of its glorious industrial past. The old buildings, chimneys and industrial structures bear witness to the grandeur of the past, while nature has begun to slowly recover its spaces.

Recently, the former Italsider has been the subject of redevelopment and enhancement projects, with the aim of transforming the area into a cultural and artistic hub for the city of Naples. The industrial buildings have been renovated and adapted to host events, exhibitions, shows and cultural activities, giving new life to a place that has remained unused for too long.

The rebirth of the Steelworks, as the former Italsider area is commonly known, therefore represents a great opportunity for Naples, in terms of economic and social development. The redevelopment of the area has in fact created new job and growth opportunities for the local community, helping to restore prestige to an area that has been neglected for too long.

Through line 6 of the Naples metro, it is possible to easily reach the former Italsider and participate in the numerous cultural and artistic initiatives taking place in the area. Thanks to its strategic position and its unique history, the Steelworks is transforming into a point of reference for culture and art in Naples, attracting tourists and visitors from all over the world.

The rebirth dell'Acciaieria: events and shows

A cultural and artistic hub for Naples

The Steelworks has been the subject of an ambitious redevelopment project which has transformed the former industrial area into a true cultural and artistic hub for the city of Naples. Thanks to the new metro line 6, access to this area has become easier and faster, allowing tourists and citizens to discover the numerous cultural and artistic activities that take place there.

The rebirth of the Steelworks led to the creation of exhibition spaces, theatres, concert halls, art workshops and much more. Various events and shows are organized every week, ranging from classical to contemporary music, from dance to theatre, from photography to contemporary art. The Steelworks has become a point of reference for lovers of culture and art, helping to enrich the city's tourist offer.

The presence of emerging and consolidated artists, national and international, has made the Steelworks a vibrant and dynamic place, capable of attracting an increasingly vast and diversified audience. Thanks to its strategic position and its unique atmosphere, the Acciaieria has become an unmissable stop for those visiting Naples and wishing to immerse themselves in its lively cultural scene.

A cultural and artistic hub for Naples

The Bagnoli steelworks

The Acciaieria di Bagnoli, formerly Italsider, has become a real cultural and artistic hub for the city of Naples. After years of abandonment, thanks to the redevelopment of the area and the new metro line 6, the industrial area has been transformed into a place of meeting and creativity.

Inside it is possible to find exhibition spaces, theatres, concert halls and ateliers for emerging artists. Numerous events and shows are organized regularly, attracting both tourists and residents to discover new forms of art and culture.

The presence of the Steelworks has contributed to relaunching the entire Bagnoli neighbourhood, transforming it from an industrial area into a lively and dynamic centre. The unique and evocative atmosphere of the area, combined with the beauty of the views of Posillipo, make a visit to the Steelworks an unmissable experience for anyone in Naples.

The recovery of the former Italsider has made it possible to give new life to a disused area, creating opportunities for economic and social growth for the city and its inhabitants. The transformation of the Steelworks into a cultural and artistic hub has brought tangible benefits to the entire community, stimulating creativity and local development.

Economic and social impact of the redevelopment

Economic impact

The opening of line 6 of the Naples metro and the redevelopment of the former Italsider area have had a significant impact on the local economy. The transformation of this area has attracted new investments and created new job opportunities for residents. The presence of new shops, restaurants and accommodation facilities has contributed to increasing tourism in the area and stimulated the growth of the tertiary sector.

Social impact

The redevelopment of the former Italsider has also had a positive impact on the social fabric of the community. The creation of public spaces, such as parks and green areas, has fostered social inclusion and promoted cohesion among residents. Furthermore, the presence of cultural events and shows in the Steelworks has contributed to strengthening the cultural identity of the neighborhood and improving the quality of life of its inhabitants.

In conclusion, the redevelopment of the former Italsider area has brought tangible benefits from both an economic and social point of view. Thanks to line 6 of the Naples metro, the accessibility of the area has improved considerably, allowing residents and tourists to enjoy all the new opportunities offered by the transformation of this area.

How to reach the Steel mill with line 6

Line 6 of the Naples metro was recently inaugurated and offers a direct connection to the Bagnoli stop, located in the neighborhood under transformation of the former Italsider.

To reach the Acciaieria, which hosts cultural events and shows, you can take metro line 6 and get off at the Bagnoli stop. From there, you can follow the directions to reach the Steelworks on foot or by public transport.

The Bagnoli stop is strategically positioned to allow tourists to easily access the former Italsider area, which is experiencing a rebirth thanks to the ongoing redevelopment. Thanks to line 6, visitors can enjoy breathtaking views in Posillipo and discover new tourism opportunities that are developing in the area.

The Acciaieria has become a cultural and artistic hub for Naples, offering a wide range of events and shows that attract tourists and residents. The economic and social impact of the redevelopment of the former Italsider is evident, with the creation of new jobs and the revitalization of the area.

Future projects for the former Italsider area promise further developments and improvements, making the Steelworks an important point of reference for culture and art in Naples. Thanks to metro line 6, reaching this unique and fascinating place is now easier than ever.