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Discover Naples with Martina: the best places to visit and immortalize with your mobile phone!

Naples, one of the most fascinating cities in Italy, is a place where history, art and culture intertwine in a kaleidoscope of colors and sounds. With its lively streets, the scents of culinary tradition and the warm hospitality of the Neapolitans, this Neapolitan metropolis offers a unique experience for those who wish to explore and immortalize its beauty. In this article, I will take you on a journey through the best places to visit and photograph in Naples, to ensure you take home unforgettable memories, captured with your mobile phone.

From the majestic Piazza del Plebiscito, the beating heart of the city, to the suggestive Castel dell’Ovo, which overlooks the sea, each stop on this itinerary will give you breathtaking views. Via San Gregorio Armeno, famous for its artisan nativity scene workshops, will transport you into a magical atmosphere, while Spaccanapoli, the street that divides the historic center in two, will allow you to immerse yourself in the daily life of the Neapolitans. You can’t miss the Sansevero Chapel Museum, where Baroque art reaches extraordinary heights, and Napoli Sotterranea, a fascinating journey into the city’s underground.

The Lungomare Caracciolo, with its spectacular view of the Gulf of Naples and Vesuvius, is perfect for a romantic walk, while the Virgiliano Park offers enchanting views of the city and the surrounding islands. The Quartieri Spagnoli, with their lively streets and colorful murals, tell stories of a past rich in culture, while the Castel Sant’Elmo and the Certosa di San Martino offer one of the best panoramic points of the city. Get ready to discover Naples with Martina and immortalize every moment of your adventure in this extraordinary city!

Piazza del Plebiscito


The Piazza del Plebiscito is one of the largest and most majestic squares in Naples, located in the heart of the city. Surrounded by important historic buildings, such as the Royal Palace and the Church of San Francesco di Paola, the square is a symbolic place of Neapolitan history and culture.


The square was designed in the 19th century, following the demolition of a medieval neighborhood. Its name derives from the plebiscite which in 1860 sanctioned the annexation of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies to the Kingdom of Italy. Since then, the square has been the scene of important historical and political events.

What to see

The Piazza del Plebiscito is an unmissable place for those visiting Naples. In addition to the historic buildings that surround it, in the center of the square stands the obelisk of San Gennaro, dedicated to the patron saint of the city. Numerous cultural events and demonstrations are held regularly in this square, making it a point of reference for the social life of the city.

Furthermore, from the square it is possible to admire a breathtaking view of the Gulf of Naples and Vesuvius, which adds even more charm to this suggestive place.

Piazza del Plebiscito is easily accessible by public transport and is a short distance from other tourist attractions in Naples, making it an ideal stop for those who want to immerse themselves in the history and beauty of the city.

Castel dell'Ovo


The Castel dell'Ovo is one of the oldest and most evocative symbols of Naples, located on an islet in the Gulf of Naples. Its construction dates back to the Roman period, but over the centuries it has been expanded and modified by various dominations, including the Byzantines, the Normans and the Angevins. Its name derives from a legend according to which the Latin poet Virgil hid a magic egg in the foundations of the castle, thus guaranteeing its stability.


The Castel dell'Ovo looks like a suggestive fortress that stands on a rocky promontory, dominating the panorama of the Gulf of Naples. The structure is characterized by towers, bastions and defense walls, and inside it preserves numerous historical rooms, including the Hall of the Barons, the Hall of the Knights and the Chapel of Santa Barbara. From the top of the castle it is possible to enjoy a breathtaking view of the city of Naples and the surrounding sea.


The Castel dell'Ovo is open to the public and offers the opportunity to visit its historic rooms, admire the ancient defense walls and enjoy a unique panoramic view of the city. Exhibitions, cultural events and concerts are often held inside the castle, which make the experience even more fascinating. Furthermore, Castel dell'Ovo is surrounded by a charming seafront, ideal for a pleasant walk with a view of the sea.

Via San Gregorio Armeno


One of the most famous and characteristic streets of Naples, Via San Gregorio Armeno is known throughout the world for its handcrafted nativity scenes. This narrow street in the heart of the historic center is a true paradise for lovers of nativity scene art, with numerous shops selling figurines, backgrounds and accessories for creating nativity scenes of all sizes and styles.


The history of Via San Gregorio Armeno dates back to the Greco-Roman period, when the street was known as "Platea Major". Over the centuries, the street has undergone numerous transformations and today it has become an important meeting place for visitors who wish to purchase items for nativity scenes or simply admire the works of art displayed in the shop windows.

What to see

In addition to the numerous nativity scene shops, along Via San Gregorio Armeno it is also possible to admire various churches and historic buildings, including the Church of San Gregorio Armeno and the Palazzo Sangro di Casacalenda. Furthermore, the street is animated by street artists and street vendors who contribute to creating a unique and lively atmosphere.

Advice for visitors:

If you visit Via San Gregorio Armeno during the Christmas period, don't miss the evocative Nativity scene of San Gregorio Armeno, a tradition that is repeated every year and attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world.



Spaccanapoli is one of the most famous and ancient streets of Naples, located in the heart of the historic center of the city. Its name derives from its geographical position, as it literally divides the city into two parts. About a kilometer long, Spaccanapoli crosses numerous historic districts, including the Decumano Maggiore and the Decumano Inferiore.

What to see

Along Spaccanapoli it is possible to admire numerous historic buildings, churches and monuments, which testify to the rich history of the city. Among the main attractions along this road are the Church of San Domenico Maggiore, the Basilica of Santa Chiara, the Sansevero Chapel and the Monumental Complex of San Lorenzo Maggiore. Furthermore, along Spaccanapoli there are also numerous artisan shops, souvenir shops and typical restaurants where it is possible to taste true Neapolitan cuisine.


Walking along Spaccanapoli means completely immersing yourself in the magical and authentic atmosphere of Naples. The narrow, winding streets, the bright colors of the building facades, the scents of local craftsmanship and the chatter of the neighborhood's inhabitants create a unique and unforgettable atmosphere. Spaccanapoli is the ideal place to fully experience the essence of the city and discover its true soul.

Museo Cappella Sansevero


The Sansevero Chapel Museum is one of the most fascinating and mysterious places in Naples. Located in the heart of the historic center, this museum houses a rich collection of works of art, sculptures and frescoes, but is above all famous for the presence of the Veiled Christ, a statue sculpted by the famous artist Giuseppe Sanmartino. This sculpture, considered a masterpiece of baroque art, represents the body of Christ wrapped in a transparent veil that seems almost real.


The Sansevero Chapel dates back to the 18th century and was commissioned by Prince Raimondo di Sangro, a very influential patron and scholar of the time. The prince wanted to transform the family chapel into a real private museum, dedicated to art and science. During the following centuries, the chapel was enriched by important works of art and collections of archaeological finds.


A visit to the Sansevero Chapel Museum is a unique and evocative experience, which allows visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty and spirituality of this place. In addition to the Veiled Christ, among the most famous works in the museum there are also the Disinganno di Cappella, the Pudicizia and the Disinganno, all works of extraordinary beauty and artistic mastery. During the visit it is also possible to admire the underground crypts, where the mummies of the members of the Sansevero family are kept.

In conclusion, the Sansevero Chapel Museum is an unmissable place for anyone visiting Naples, a true treasure chest of artistic and historical treasures that tell the story of the richness and beauty of Neapolitan culture.

Underground Naples


Napoli Sotterranea is a complex of caves, cisterns and underground tunnels that extend for over 80 kilometers beneath the historic center of Naples. This fascinating underground labyrinth dates back to Greek and Roman times, and represents an important part of the city's history and culture.

What to see

Inside Napoli Sotterranea it is possible to admire Roman cisterns, Greek roads, medieval tunnels and anti-aircraft shelters dating back to the Second World War. One of the highlights of the visit is the Greek Theater, an underground structure that was used for theatrical performances in ancient times.

During the guided tour it is possible to discover the history of Naples through the archaeological evidence present underground, and understand the importance of this place for the daily life of Neapolitans over the centuries.

Practical information

To visit Naples Underground it is advisable to book in advance, as the number of visitors is limited to guarantee a better experience. Guided tours are available in several languages, including Italian and English.

The underground complex is easily reachable on foot from the historic center of Naples, and represents an unmissable stop for those who want to learn about the history and culture of the city in depth.

The Lungomare Caracciolo


The Lungomare Caracciolo is one of the most famous and panoramic streets in Naples. It extends for approximately 3 kilometers along the sea, offering breathtaking views of the Gulf of Naples and Vesuvius. It is the ideal place for a leisurely walk or run, enjoying the sea breeze and the vibrant atmosphere of the city. Along the seafront there are numerous bars, restaurants and ice cream parlors where you can taste the delicacies of Neapolitan cuisine.

What to see

Walking along Lungomare Caracciolo you can admire the majestic Castel dell'Ovo, located on a small island connected to the mainland by a bridge. You can also visit the charming Borgo Marinari, a small fishing village with characteristic fish restaurants. During sunset, the Lungomare transforms into a romantic and evocative place, with the sun diving into the sea creating unique plays of light.


The Lungomare Caracciolo is the perfect place to relax, jog, play outdoor sports or simply enjoy the view. If you want to take a break, you can sit on a bench and admire the view or stop in one of the many bars to enjoy a coffee or ice cream. During the summer evenings, the Lungomare is animated by street artists, musicians and stalls which make the atmosphere even more magical.

Parco Virgiliano


The Virgiliano Park is one of the most evocative parks in Naples, located on the Posillipo hill and offers a breathtaking view of the Gulf of Naples and Vesuvius. It is an ideal place to relax and enjoy nature, away from the chaos of the city. The park takes its name from the Roman poet Virgil, who according to legend had his tomb here.

What to see

Inside the Virgiliano Park it is possible to admire various gardens with Mediterranean plants, statues and fountains. Furthermore, there are several panoramic points from which to enjoy a unique view of the city and the sea. The park is very popular with Neapolitans who use it for sports, picnics or simply for walking.


The Virgiliano Park is the ideal place for jogging, practicing yoga outdoors or simply relaxing on a bench overlooking the sea. Furthermore, art exhibitions and cultural events are often organized within the park. During the summer, the park also becomes a meeting point for concerts and outdoor shows.

How to reach it

Virgilian Park is easily reachable by public transport, in particular by bus or the Chiaia funicular. Alternatively, you can arrive by car and park near the park. For those who love taking a walk, it is possible to reach the park on foot from the Posillipo neighborhood, enjoying splendid views along the way.

Quartieri Spagnoli

History and description

The Spanish Quarters are one of the most characteristic and evocative places in Naples. Located in the heart of the city, between Via Toledo and Via dei Tribunali, these neighborhoods are a labyrinth of narrow and winding streets, stairways and alleys that intertwine in a succession of colorful alleys vibrant with life. Their name derives from the period in which Naples was under Spanish rule, between the 16th and 17th centuries. During this period, the neighborhoods were built to house the city's poorest population and still retain an authentic, working-class atmosphere today.

Characterized by ancient buildings and historic palaces, the Quartieri Spagnoli are a place where tradition and modernity come together in a unique mix. Here it is possible to discover artisan workshops, typical food shops, small taverns and hidden pizzerias where you can taste the specialties of Neapolitan cuisine.

What to see and what to do

Getting lost in the narrow streets of the Quartieri Spagnoli is a unique experience that allows you to immerse yourself in the true soul of authentic Naples. Among the places of interest not to be missed are the Church of Santa Maria delle Anime del Purgatorio in Arco, with its evocative statues of the "pezzentelle" representing the souls in purgatory, and the famous "Stairway of Santa Maria di Montesanto", with its bright colors that stand out against the blue sky.

If you love photography, the Quartieri Spagnoli offers a unique setting for taking unforgettable photos. The facades of the buildings painted with the typical colors of Naples, the clothes hanging on the windows, the narrow alleys and the old shops create a suggestive and fascinating atmosphere that will win you over.

Finally, don't forget to taste real Neapolitan pizza in one of the many pizzerias hidden among the streets of the Quartieri Spagnoli. Pizza here is an art and tasting it in this authentic context will give you an unforgettable culinary experience.