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Discover the pearl of the Neapolitan Renaissance: the Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi in Naples

In the beating heart of Naples, among the lively streets and the scent of Neapolitan culture, stands an often underestimated masterpiece: the Monumental Complex of Sant’Anna dei Lombardi. This extraordinary testimony of the Neapolitan Renaissance is not just a place of worship, but a true treasure chest of history, art and spirituality, which deserves to be discovered and appreciated in all its magnificence. Founded in the 15th century, the structure has gone through centuries of transformations, enriched with works of art and frescoes that tell the story of the mastery of the artists of the time and the importance of Naples as a cultural center.

The architectural beauty of the complex is such as to capture the attention of every visitor, who will be fascinated by its elegance and harmonious lines. The different sections of the Monumental Complex offer a unique experience each time: from the Church of Sant’Anna, with its precious works of art, to the cloister, where silence and serenity come together to create an atmosphere of meditation. There is also the Chapel of Monte di Pietà, a place of great historical and social significance, and the numerous cultural events that animate the complex, making it a point of reference for the Neapolitan community.

In this article, we will dive into ten aspects that make the Monumental Complex of Sant’Anna dei Lombardi an essential stop for anyone visiting Naples. We will explore its fascinating history, the art found there, the events that drive it and the secrets it hides. Get ready to discover the pearl of the Neapolitan Renaissance, a place where the past and the present intertwine in an unforgettable embrace.

History and origins of the Monumental Complex of Sant’Anna dei Lombardi

Sant'Anna dei Lombardi, also known as Santa Maria di Monte Oliveto, is one of the most important monumental complexes in Naples. Its history has its roots in the 14th century, when it was founded as a convent by Dominican friars. Over the centuries, the complex underwent various architectural and artistic transformations, becoming a true Renaissance jewel.

The construction of the complex began in 1411 based on a design by the Florentine architect Giovanni da Nola, but was completed only in the 16th century. The main building, the church of Sant'Anna, was consecrated in 1441 and soon became an important place of worship and meeting place for the Neapolitan nobility.

The complex was enriched over the centuries by important works of art, including frescoes by Pietro Alamanno and other Renaissance artists. The interiors of the church and convent are decorated with valuable stuccoes, paintings and sculptures which testify to the artistic and cultural richness of Naples in the Renaissance.

Today the Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi is open to the public and hosts exhibitions, concerts and cultural events. It is an unmissable place for those who visit Naples, not only for its architectural and artistic beauty, but also for its thousand-year history which tells the story of the city and its people.

The Renaissance architecture of the Complex Monumental of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi

Architecture description

The Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi is one of the best examples of Renaissance architecture in Naples. The structure is composed of the Church of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi and the Cloister, both characterized by architectural elements typical of the Italian Renaissance.

Architectural features

The Church of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi has a simple but elegant façade, with an entrance portal decorated with Corinthian columns and capitals. Inside, the central nave is flanked by Tuscan columns that support round arches, creating an evocative play of light and shadow. The coffered ceiling and stucco decorations further enrich the environment, giving a highly suggestive atmosphere.

The Cloister, however, is a work of extraordinary beauty, with its Doric columns surrounding an internal garden. The brick and lava stone arches create an effect of depth and perspective, while the frescoes on the walls tell stories of saints and miracles.

Decorative elements

The internal decorations of the Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi are characterized by a wealth of details and a stylistic refinement typical of the Renaissance. The stuccos, wall paintings and sculptures contribute to creating an evocative environment rich in history, making a visit to this structure a unique and unforgettable experience for those who love art and architecture.

The works of art and internal frescoes

The Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi is known for the extraordinary richness of its works of art and internal frescoes. This sacred place has been enriched over the centuries by important artists and painters, who have contributed to creating a true artistic treasure.

Works of art

One of the most famous masterpieces of the complex is certainly the polyptych of Sant'Anna, created by Masolino da Panicale in the 15th century. This work is considered one of the masterpieces of Italian Renaissance painting, and represents the Madonna with Child between Saints Anna, Joachim, Francis and Catherine of Alexandria.

Other works of great value present inside the church include paintings by artists such as Lorenzo Costa, Francesco De Mura and Luca Giordano, who contributed to decorating the altars and chapels of the complex with works of great artistic value.

Internal frescoes

The complex is also famous for the frescoes that decorate the walls of the church and chapels. Among the best known are the frescoes of the Cycle of the Passion of Christ created by Tommaso degli Stefani in the 14th century, which represent episodes of the life of Jesus from his entry into Jerusalem until the Crucifixion.

Another important work is the fresco of the Madonna with Child attributed to Antonello da Saliba, which is located in the Chapel of the Crucifix and which represents the Madonna with the Child between Saints Philip and Peter.

The visit to the Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi is a unique opportunity to admire these extraordinary works of art and the frescoes that tell the story of faith and spirituality through the beauty and artistic mastery of the great masters of past.

The Church of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi

History and description

The Church of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi, located within the Monumental Complex of the same name, dates back to the 15th century and is one of the most important examples of Renaissance architecture in Naples. Built at the behest of the Lombard Confraternity, the church has a sober and elegant façade, with a marble portal and a lunette frescoed with the Annunciation.

Architectural and decorative elements

Inside, the church is characterized by a single nave with richly decorated side chapels. Among the most significant works of art, the polyptych of Sant'Anna by Pietro Perugino stands out, considered one of the masterpieces of the Neapolitan Renaissance. The altars, columns and vaults are decorated with stuccoes and frescoes by renowned artists of the time.

The Church of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi is also known for its sculptural works, including the statue of the Madonna with Child by Giovanni da Nola and the funerary monument of Jacopo Sannazaro. The evocative atmosphere and artistic richness make the church an unmissable place for art and history lovers.

The complex of the Church of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi has been restored several times over the centuries to preserve its original appearance and the works of art inside. Thanks to these interventions, today it is possible to admire the beauty and magnificence of this unique place.

The cloister and its hidden treasures

The Cloister of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi

The Cloister of Sant’Anna dei Lombardi is one of the most fascinating places within the Monumental Complex. Built in the 15th century, it is a perfect example of Renaissance architecture, with its elegant columns and central courtyard surrounded by arcades.

Hidden treasures

Inside the cloister you can admire numerous hidden treasures, such as the Renaissance sculptures that decorate the columns and capitals, the bas-reliefs that tell biblical stories and the paintings that adorn the walls. One of the highlights of the cloister is certainly the fountain in the center of the courtyard, with its marble decorations and statues representing mythological deities.

The secret garden

In addition to the works of art and Renaissance architecture, the cloister also houses a small secret garden, an oasis of peace and tranquility in the heart of the city. Here it is possible to walk among centuries-old trees, aromatic plants and colorful flowers, enjoying a breathtaking view of the dome of the Church of Sant’Anna dei Lombardi.

Guided tour

To discover all the hidden treasures of the Cloister of Sant’Anna dei Lombardi, it is advisable to take part in a guided tour. Local experts will lead you through the corridors and porticoes of the cloister, telling you about the history and curiosities of this magical place. Don’t miss the opportunity to live a unique and unforgettable experience in the heart of Naples.

The Chapel of Monte di Pietà

An artistic jewel in the heart of Naples

The Chapel of Monte di Pietà is one of the hidden treasures of the Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi in Naples. This splendid chapel, located inside the Church of Sant'Anna, is a true masterpiece of Renaissance art, full of frescoes and decorations of great artistic and historical value.

The Chapel of Monte di Pietà was commissioned in the 15th century by the Confraternita del Monte di Pietà, a charitable institution that lent money at low interest to people in need. The interior of the chapel is decorated with frescoes by important artists of the time, including the famous Renaissance painter Vasari. The walls are covered with religious and allegorical scenes, while the ceiling is decorated with splendid cross vaults and finely crafted stucco.

One of the focal points of the chapel is the high altar, a magnificent work of art made of marble and decorated with sculptures and reliefs of great value. The altar houses a statue of the Madonna del Monte di Pietà, venerated by the faithful as protector of the poor and destitute. Every detail of the chapel has been taken care of with extreme precision, creating an atmosphere of sacredness and beauty that leaves visitors breathless.

A visit to the Cappella del Monte di Pietà is an unforgettable experience for anyone who loves art and history. Upon entering the chapel you find yourself immersed in a world of beauty and spirituality, surrounded by works of art of inestimable value. Don't miss the opportunity to discover this artistic jewel in the heart of Naples, a place that will leave you speechless and will enchant you with its timeless beauty.

The restoration and conservation of the Monumental Complex of Sant' Anna dei Lombardi


The Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi has undergone several restoration interventions over the centuries, with the aim of preserving and enhancing the structure and the works of art within it. Among the most significant restorations is that which took place in the 19th century, under the direction of the architect Errico Alvino, which allowed the original frescoes to be brought to light and the architectural structures consolidated.


Today, the Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi is the subject of constant conservation activities, thanks to the commitment of the Special Superintendence for the Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage and for the Museum Center of the city of Naples. These activities include periodic monitoring of the state of conservation of the frescoes and architectural structures, cleaning and consolidation interventions, as well as the promotion of cultural initiatives to raise public awareness of the importance of protecting the artistic and historical heritage.

The restoration and conservation of the Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi are crucial to guarantee the use and valorisation of one of the most important artistic treasures of the city of Naples, contributing to preserving the historical and cultural memory of the region.

Cultural events and demonstrations

The Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi is home to numerous cultural events and displays that attract visitors from all over the world.

One of the most anticipated events is the Culture Week, during which the complex opens its doors to the public free of charge and offers guided tours and classical music concerts. During this special week, it is possible to admire the works of art and internal frescoes up close, thus discovering the beauty and history of the complex.

Another unmissable event is the Ancient Music Festival, which is held every year in the cloister of the complex. During this festival, renowned musicians perform concerts of Renaissance and Baroque music, creating a magical and engaging atmosphere for all those present.

For lovers of literature and poetry, the Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi often hosts meetings with local and international authors and poets. During these events, it is possible to participate in readings and literary debates, thus enriching one's culture and knowledge.

Finally, there is no shortage of temporary art exhibitions that are set up within the complex. Emerging and established artists exhibit their works, offering the public the opportunity to immerse themselves in contemporary art and discover new talents.

In short, the Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi is a lively and dynamic place, always ready to host high-level cultural events that attract tourists and art enthusiasts from all over the world.

How to visit the Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi

Opening hours

The Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi is open to the public every day, except Tuesday, from 10:00 to 17:00. It is advisable to check the opening hours on the occasion of holidays or special events, as they may be subject to variations.

Entrance tickets

The cost of the entrance ticket to the complex varies depending on the temporary exhibitions or ongoing events. We recommend consulting the complex's official website to find out updated prices and any ongoing promotions.

Guided tours

For those who wish to deepen their knowledge of the Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi, it is possible to book guided tours with expert guides who will illustrate the history, art and architecture of the place in a detailed and engaging way. Guided tours are available upon reservation and can be customized according to visitors' needs.

How to get there

The Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi is located in the heart of the historic center of Naples, in Via Monteoliveto 4. It is easily reachable on foot, as it is close to several bus and metro stops. For those arriving by car, it is possible to take advantage of paid parking nearby.

Useful tips

It is advisable to dedicate at least a couple of hours to visiting the Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi to be able to calmly admire all the works of art and frescoes present. It is possible to take photographs inside the complex, but it is important to pay attention to the staff's instructions and not disturb other visitors. Finally, it is advisable to wear comfortable and appropriate clothing for the visit.