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Discover the Tammurriata: the popular dance from Campania that enchants Naples

The Tammurriata is much more than a simple popular dance: it is a true symbol of the cultural identity of Campania, capable of telling centuries-old stories and making the soul of those who observe and experience it vibrate. Originating from the peasant traditions of the Neapolitan countryside, this dance has its roots in a past rich in history, folklore and passion for music, becoming over time an essential element of the social and cultural life of the region. Naples, with its vibrant atmosphere and its thousand-year-old traditions, is the ideal stage where Tammurriata is expressed in all its splendor.

In this article, we aim to explore the many aspects of this fascinating dance, dividing our journey into ten key points. We will start from the historical origins of the Tammurriata, and then delve into the world of traditional musical instruments, which accompany every step and every heartbeat of the performers. We will discover the typical costumes that characterize this dance, rich in colors and symbols, and we will analyze the rhythm and movements that make it so unique and engaging.

Furthermore, we will explore how the Tammurriata fits into popular festivals, becoming a moment of aggregation and celebration. We will discuss its impact on Neapolitan culture, the iconic places where you can see live performances, and the learning opportunities through schools and workshops. Finally, we will not fail to consider the representation of Tammurriata in art and the media, as well as its contemporary evolution, where tradition and innovation intertwine in an embrace that continues to enchant the new generations. Get ready to discover a world rich in emotions, history and culture, where Tammurriata stands as a bright beacon of Campania tradition.

Historical origins of Tammurriata

Ancient origins and legends

The Tammurriata is a traditional dance from southern Italy, particularly widespread in the Campania region, and in particular in Naples. The origins of this dance date back to ancient times and are shrouded in mystery and legend. Tammurriata is thought to have pagan roots linked to the celebration of nature, fertility and magic. Some scholars connect it to Dionysian rites, while others associate it with mystery cults linked to female divinities such as Isis or Demeter.

The word "Tammurriata" derives from the term "tammorra", a percussion musical instrument typical of the Neapolitan tradition. The dance originally took place on festive and ritual occasions, such as weddings, popular festivals or propitiatory rites for good luck and the fertility of the land. Over the centuries, the Tammurriata has undergone various evolutions and cultural contaminations, but has kept intact its essence of popular dance linked to the land and peasant traditions.

Traditional musical instruments


The tammorra is the main instrument used to accompany the Tammurriata. It is a large frame drum, similar to the African drum, which is played with the hands. The tammorra produces a powerful, rhythmic sound that gives rhythm to traditional dance and music.


Castagnette are a very common percussion instrument in traditional Neapolitan music. They are used to create syncopated rhythms and add further depth to the music during the Tammurriata.

String guitar

The battente guitar is a stringed instrument typical of the southern Italian musical tradition. It is used to accompany the voice during performances of the Tammurriata, helping to create an engaging and festive atmosphere.

These are just some of the traditional instruments used during Tammurriata performances in Naples. The combination of tammorra, castanets and battente guitar creates a unique and engaging sound that reflects the rich musical tradition of the region.

Typical costumes and clothing

The Tammurriata is a traditional dance from Southern Italy, in particular from the Campania region and the city of Naples. It is accompanied by music and popular songs that tell stories of love, tradition and daily life. The clothes worn during the dance are also an integral part of tradition and popular culture.

Women's clothing

The women who participate in the Tammurriata typically wear colorful and lively clothes, which recall the popular and peasant tradition. Long and wide skirts, generally flounced, are accompanied by embroidered and colorful blouses. The head is often covered with a handkerchief, a symbol of modesty and respect for tradition.

Men's clothing

Men who dance the Tammurriata usually wear long trousers and simple shirts, accompanied by traditional jackets or vests. They often also wear a scarf around their neck or a straw hat, which gives them a rustic and authentic look.

Both sexes wear comfortable and practical footwear, suitable for dancing and moving with agility during the dance. The clothes and accessories used during the Tammurriata are a tribute to the peasant and popular culture of Southern Italy, and represent an important element in keeping alive the tradition and identity of this ancient form of artistic expression.

Rhythm and movements of dance


The rhythm of the Tammurriata is characterized by a strong pulsation which is reflected in the sounds of the tambourines and other traditional musical instruments used during the dance. It is an engaging and overwhelming rhythm that pushes the dancers to move in an energetic and passionate way.

Dance movements:

The movements of the Tammurriata are vigorous and full of vitality. The dancers move in a circle, holding hands or shoulders, and follow the rhythm of the music with firm, bouncy steps. The arms are used expressively, with large and fluid gestures that accompany the movements of the body.

During the Tammurriata dance, the dancers let themselves be carried away by the music and let themselves go completely, expressing all their energy and passion through snappy and engaging movements. The steps of the Tammurriata are often rapid and intricate, requiring considerable agility and coordination on the part of the dancers.

The Tammurriata movements are steeped in history and tradition, and represent a moment of strong connection with one’s roots and with Neapolitan popular culture. Dancing the Tammurriata means coming into contact with your deepest emotions and letting yourself be carried away by an ancient and engaging rhythm that has distant roots in the history of the Campania region.

The Tammurriata in popular festivals

The Tammurriata is a traditional popular dance that is performed during the festivals and celebrations typical of Neapolitan culture. This form of artistic expression has ancient and deep roots linked to the history and tradition of the Neapolitan people.

The Tammurriata is often performed during religious holidays, such as during the celebrations in honor of San Gennaro, patron saint of Naples. During these occasions, groups of musicians and dancers perform in the streets of the city, creating a festive and engaging atmosphere.

But Tammurriata is not only present during religious holidays, it is also an integral part of many other celebrations, such as weddings, village festivals and festivals. On these occasions, dance becomes a moment of sharing and celebration, in which participants let themselves be carried away by the engaging rhythm of traditional Neapolitan music.

The popular festivals in which the Tammurriata is present are a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture and traditions of the city of Naples. During these events, it is possible to attend traditional dance and music shows, savor local culinary specialties and live an authentic and unforgettable experience.

Influence of Tammurriata on Neapolitan culture

The Tammurriata is a traditional dance and a musical genre deeply rooted in Neapolitan culture, which has influenced numerous aspects of the life and art of the city.

Tamurriata has been handed down from generation to generation and has evolved over the centuries, becoming an integral part of the Neapolitan identity. This dance is a symbol of resistance and pride for the people of southern Italy, who have always fought to preserve their traditions and culture.

The Tammurriata has influenced various areas of Neapolitan culture, such as music, dance, literature and art. The lyrics of traditional songs often speak of social and political themes, reflecting the concerns and hopes of the Neapolitan people.

The typical clothing of the Tammurriata also had an impact on Neapolitan fashion, with the bright colors and rich fabrics that were inspired by traditional dance costumes.

The Tammurriata is often present in popular festivals and religious celebrations in Naples, where it is danced and played with great passion and involvement. This dance is a moment of sharing and celebration, which unites people and creates a sense of community.

The Tammurriata has also had a significant impact on Neapolitan art and media, inspiring artists and directors to represent this tradition in their own works. Numerous films, books and plays have told the story of Tammurriata and its importance for Neapolitan culture.

Today, the Tammurriata continues to be a symbol of identity and belonging for the Neapolitan people, who jealously preserve their traditions and celebrate them through this unique dance and musical genre.

Iconic places to see Tammurriata in Naples

1. Spanish Quarters

The Quartieri Spagnoli are one of the most characteristic places in Naples and are considered the heart of the Tammurriata tradition. Here it is possible to attend traditional dance and music shows on the occasion of various popular holidays, but also during the evenings organized by the numerous clubs and cultural associations present in the area.

2. Historic Center

In the historic center of Naples you can find numerous places where you can watch Tammurriata performances. Squares, courtyards and streets regularly come alive with traditional dances and songs, offering spectators a unique and engaging experience of Neapolitan culture.

3. Castel dell'Ovo

One of the most evocative places where you can attend Tammurriata shows is certainly the Castel dell'Ovo, one of the symbols of the city of Naples. During cultural events and demonstrations, it is possible to enjoy the breathtaking view of the Gulf of Naples while watching traditional dance and music performances.

4. Villa Floridiana

The Villa Floridiana, located on the Vomero, is another iconic place where you can admire the Tammurriata in Naples. Surrounded by greenery and with a panoramic view of the city, the villa often hosts cultural and folkloristic events which include performances of traditional dances such as the Tammurriata.

These are just some of the iconic places where it is possible to fully experience the atmosphere of Tammurriata in Naples, a tradition rooted in the cultural fabric of the city and which continues to enchant and involve visitors and residents.

Schools and workshops to learn Tammurriata

Traditional schools

For those who wish to learn Tammurriata in its most authentic form, there are several traditional schools in Naples that offer courses dedicated to this folkloric dance. These schools are often run by industry experts who have a deep knowledge of the history and traditions linked to Tammurriata.

Lessons usually include learning the basic steps, signature movements and rhythm of the dance, as well as the history and cultural significance it carries. Some schools also offer the opportunity to participate in local shows and events to put into practice what you have learned during lessons.

Recommended schools:
  • School of Popular Dances "La Tammurriata" - Via dei Tribunali, 10
  • Neapolitan Musical Institute - Via San Tommaso d'Aquino, 8

Workshops and online courses

For those who cannot attend classes in person or who wish to further deepen their knowledge of Tammurriata, there are also workshops and online courses available. These resources offer the opportunity to learn from experts from different parts of the world, thus broadening your perspective on dance and the culture it represents.

Online courses often include video tutorials, course materials, and virtual practice sessions that allow students to learn from the comfort of their own home. This learning method is particularly suitable for those who live far from Naples but still wish to get closer to Tammurriata and its traditions.

Recommended workshops:
  • Tammurriata Online Academy -
  • World Tammurriata Workshop -

The Tammurriata in art and the media


The Tammurriata has been a source of inspiration for many artists over the centuries. Numerous paintings, sculptures and works of art have been created to represent this ancient traditional dance. Famous painters such as Caravaggio and Salvator Rosa have portrayed Tammurriata scenes in their paintings, capturing the energy and passion of this form of artistic expression. Furthermore, the Tammurriata has often been represented in plays and artistic performances, helping to spread its beauty and cultural significance.


The Tammurriata has also found space in modern media, such as films, documentaries and television programs. Directors such as Roberto Rossellini and Vittorio De Sica have included Tammurriata scenes in their films, showing international audiences the richness and tradition of this popular dance. Furthermore, Tammurriata has been the protagonist of numerous documentaries that have explored its historical origins, its symbolic meanings and its role in Neapolitan culture. Even on television, the Tammurriata has often been presented in programs dedicated to traditional music and dance, helping to keep its memory alive and promote its practice among the new generations.