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On the trail of the ghosts of Naples: the mysteries of Posillipo

Naples, a city of history and culture, is also a place steeped in mysteries and legends that fascinate residents and tourists. Among its architectural wonders and breathtaking views, Posillipo stands out as a neighborhood full of charm, but also of disturbing stories. On the trail of the ghosts of Naples, we will immerse ourselves in a journey that will take us to explore the most emblematic places of this area, where the border between reality and the supernatural seems to blur.

In this article, we will focus on ten key points that tell the story of the apparitions and legends that animate Posillipo. We will start with the famous legend of the ghost of Marechiaro, a story that has its roots in the past and continues to arouse curiosity among visitors. We will continue with Palazzo Donn’Anna, a building that not only fascinates for its architecture, but also for the spirits that are said to inhabit it.

Our exploration will then take us to Virgil’s Villa, shrouded in occult mysteries, and to the Sejanus Cave, a place that houses supernatural tales. There will be no shortage of the souls of the Virgiliano Park, the ghost of the Trentaremi Bay and the Friariello Tower, with its apparitions that defy logic. We will discover the secrets of the Parco della Rimembranza, the Villa Rosebery with its disturbing stories and finally the Monastery of Sant’Antonio, a place of peace that conceals ethereal presences.

Get ready for a journey that will take you beyond time and space, among the shadows and lights of a Naples which, even in its most mysterious corners, continues to tell timeless stories.

The legend of the ghost of Marechiaro


The legend of the ghost of Marechiaro is one of the best known and fascinating stories of Naples. It is said that during full moon nights, a female ghost dressed in white wanders along the beach of Marechiaro, singing a sweet melody that makes anyone who listens to it tremble.

According to legend, the ghost is that of a young woman in love with a local fisherman. The two lived a passionate love story, but fate wanted to separate them when the fisherman was swallowed by the sea during a storm. From that moment on, the young woman would go to the beach every night, singing her song of pain and desperation.

Local people say they have heard the woman's voice singing on full moon nights, and some say they have seen her spirit wandering among the waves of the sea. Some believe that the ghost is looking for her beloved to take him with her to the afterlife, while others think that she is trapped between two worlds, waiting to finally rest in peace.

This legend has inspired numerous writers and poets over the centuries, and even today the ghost of Marechiaro continues to arouse fascination and mystery among visitors and inhabitants of Naples.

Palazzo Donn'Anna and his spirits

History of Palazzo Donn'Anna

Palazzo Donn'Anna is one of the most fascinating historic residences in Naples. Located along the beautiful coast of Posillipo, this Baroque palace dates back to the 17th century and was commissioned by noblewoman Anna Carafa, Duchess of Noja. Legend has it that the palace was built as a gift for the woman loved by a Spanish nobleman, but that Anna rejected his amorous advances, preferring to live alone in this sumptuous residence.

Paranormal presences

There are numerous testimonies of paranormal presences inside Palazzo Donn'Anna. It is said that the figure of a woman dressed in ancient clothes wanders through the rooms of the palace, observing visitors with a melancholy look. Some visitors have reported hearing mysterious voices and noises coming from empty rooms, while others have experienced sudden changes in temperature and feelings of not being alone.

The legend of the two lovers One of the most famous stories linked to Palazzo Donn’Anna concerns two lovers separated by jealousy and death. It is said that the noblewoman Anna Carafa and her secret lover, a young Spanish officer, were forced to live their love in secret inside the palace. When the duchess rejected the advances of another nobleman, the latter unleashed his fury, killing the young officer. Since then, the souls of the two lovers are condemned to wander for eternity inside Palazzo Donn’Anna.

Guided tours and curiosities

Despite the paranormal presences, Palazzo Donn'Anna is open to the public for guided tours that allow you to admire the baroque architecture, frescoes and centuries-old gardens. During the visit, it is possible to immerse yourself in the history and legends that surround this splendid noble residence, allowing yourself to be fascinated by the stories of love, jealousy and betrayal that still permeate the walls of the palace.

In conclusion, Palazzo Donn’Anna is not only an architectural masterpiece, but also a place steeped in mystery and charm, where the stories of the past mix with paranormal presences, creating a unique and evocative atmosphere that will not fail to fascinate visitors.

Virgil’s Villa and the occult mysteries

The legend of Virgil's Villa

Virgil's Villa is a place full of mystery and charm, located on the Posillipo hill in Naples. According to legend, this villa belonged to the poet Virgil, author of the Aeneid, who retired there to dedicate himself to writing his works. It is said that Virgil was a great expert in magic and occultism, and that he practiced secret rituals in the villa to obtain divine inspiration for his works.

It is said that Virgil made a pact with the devil to become Rome's greatest poet, and that the poet's ghost still wanders among the ruins of the villa, seeking peace for eternity. Some visitors have reported feeling mysterious presences and sensations of sudden cold while exploring the site.

The occult mysteries of Virgil's Villa

In addition to the legend linked to Virgil, Virgil's Villa has also been the scene of mysterious and inexplicable events over the centuries. It is said that during the night strange noises and moans can be heard coming from the ruins, and that some people have had visions of ghostly figures wandering among the remains of the ancient home.

Some esoteric scholars maintain that Virgil's Villa is a place of great magical power, and that ancient secrets and occult knowledge are hidden there. It is said that anyone who manages to decipher the mysteries of the villa will be able to obtain supernatural powers and forbidden knowledge.

Sejanus' Cave and supernatural tales

History of the Sejanus Cave

The Seiano Cave is a suggestive natural cavity located along the coast of Posillipo, in the heart of Naples. Its history dates back to Roman times, when it was dug to create a tunnel that connected the city to the sea. The cave, approximately 770 meters long, was used for the transport of goods and as a refuge during enemy invasions.

Supernatural tales

The Sejanus Cave is surrounded by numerous supernatural tales and popular legends. It is said that during full moon nights, strange noises can be heard coming from the cave and that there is the presence of restless spirits. Some visitors have reported feeling a sudden sensation of cold and hearing mysterious voices coming from the depths of the cave.

Furthermore, it is said that the cave is inhabited by the ghost of a woman dressed in white, who appears to visitors in the darkest hours of the night. Legend has it that the woman is the soul of a young Roman princess, who committed suicide in the cave after being abandoned by her lover.

Despite the presence of these supernatural stories, the Seiano Cave is still today a very popular place for tourists and mystery lovers, who venture into its depths in search of emotions and paranormal adventures.

The souls of the Virgiliano Park

Virgilian Park: a place of peace and mystery

The Virgiliano Park, located in the Posillipo area of ​​Naples, is an enchanting place that offers breathtaking views of the Gulf of Naples and Vesuvius. But behind its scenic beauty hide mysterious stories and legends that speak of wandering souls and paranormal presences.

Visitor testimonials

The testimonies of visitors to the Virgiliano Park speak of strange sensations of being observed, of invisible presences that are felt in the late hours of the night and of mysterious voices that can be heard coming from the ancient ruins inside the park. Some say they have seen ethereal figures moving among the trees and lights suddenly turning on and off.

The legend of souls in pain

One of the best-known legends linked to the Virgiliano Park speaks of tormented souls who wander among the trees in search of peace. It is said that these souls are linked to ancient magical rites and sacrifices offered to the gods of the past. Some visitors reported hearing moans coming from the woods and seeing shadows moving silently among the plants.

Ultimately, the Virgiliano Park is a place that enchants and scares at the same time, where the beauty of nature mixes with the mystery of supernatural presences. A place that deserves to be visited, but which also requires a certain amount of courage to face the mysterious souls that inhabit it.

The ghost of Trentaremi Bay

The legend

The Bay of Trentaremi, located near Naples, is known for being the site of a mysterious legend that talks about a ghost that appears at night to fishermen who venture into the sea. It is said that the ghost is that of a sailor who perished in a storm centuries ago and who has wandered the bay ever since in search of peace.

Sightings and testimonies

The testimonies of sightings of the ghost of Trentaremi Bay are numerous and detailed. Many fishermen and visitors to the area have reported seeing an ethereal figure floating on the water in the distance, illuminated by moonlight. Some say they have heard moans coming from the sea, while others claim to have heard the sound of dragging chains.

Stories of encounters with the ghost of Trentaremi Bay have been handed down for generations, fueling the curiosity and fear of residents and tourists who venture into that area.

The charm of the unknown

Despite the fear that the ghost may inspire, many visitors feel attracted by the history and mystery that surrounds the Trentaremi Bay. The charm of the unknown and the suggestive atmosphere of the bay contribute to making this place a fascinating destination for those who love uncertainty and the supernatural.

If you are a fan of legends and paranormal stories, you cannot miss the Trentaremi Bay and its enigmatic ghost which continues to arouse mixed emotions among those who venture into those places.

The Friariello Tower and his apparitions


The Torre di Friariello is an ancient building located along the coast of Naples, in the Posillipo district. Built in the 16th century as a watchtower against the incursions of Saracen pirates, its history is shrouded in mystery and legend. It is said that the tower was frequented by Franciscan monks who retreated there to pray and meditate.


According to the testimonies of local residents, the Friariello Tower is frequented by paranormal presences. It is said that at night strange voices can be heard coming from inside the tower, while some people claim to have seen the shadow of a friar walking along the external walls. Some visitors have also reported feeling a sensation of intense cold and feeling watched while they are near the tower.

The apparitions in the Friariello Tower have become the subject of numerous legends and popular stories, which have been handed down from generation to generation. Many believe that the presences that appear in the tower are linked to the souls of the Franciscan monks who retreated there to pray, while others hypothesize that they are restless spirits in search of peace.

Despite the numerous testimonies of paranormal presences, the Friariello Tower continues to be a fascinating and mysterious place that attracts numerous visitors curious to reveal its hidden secrets.

The secrets of the Parco della Rimembranza

The secrets of the Parco della Rimembranza

The Remembrance Park in Naples

The Parco della Rimembranza is one of the most evocative and mysterious places in Naples. Located on the Posillipo hill, it offers a breathtaking view of the city and the Gulf of Naples. But behind its scenic beauty hide numerous secrets and legends that fascinate visitors.

According to legend, the Parco della Rimembranza was built on an ancient Roman cemetery, and some claim that the souls of the deceased still wander among the park's centuries-old trees. There are numerous testimonies of paranormal presences, and many visitors report feeling a sudden sensation of cold or hearing voices coming from the shadows.

Some tales tell of encounters with ghostly figures wandering among ancient ruins, while others tell of mysterious lights that suddenly turn on and off during the night. The inhabitants of the Posillipo neighborhood avoid venturing into the park after sunset, convinced that it is inhabited by supernatural entities.

Despite the numerous testimonies of paranormal presences, the Parco della Rimembranza remains one of the most fascinating places to visit in Naples. Its mysterious and evocative atmosphere makes it a unique place, where the boundary between real and imaginary becomes thin and uncertain.

Villa Rosebery and its disturbing stories

History of Villa Rosebery

Villa Rosebery is a historic residence located in Naples, precisely in the Posillipo district. Built in the 18th century, the villa has hosted numerous prominent personalities throughout its history, including King Umberto I of Italy and the President of the Italian Republic. Today it is the Neapolitan residence of the President of the Italian Republic.

The disturbing stories

Despite its elegance and majesty, Villa Rosebery is shrouded in a certain aura of mystery and restlessness. There are numerous testimonies of alleged paranormal presences inside the villa and its gardens. Many people who have worked or visited the residence tell of strange sensations, inexplicable noises and visions of ghostly figures.

It is said that in the rooms of the villa you can hear sobs coming from nowhere, or see shadows moving without an apparent source of light. Some say they felt a sudden sense of cold even on the hottest days, as if someone or something was watching them.

The stories linked to Villa Rosebery have been passed down for generations and fuel the curiosity and fear of anyone who ventures to explore the residence. Although many skeptics doubt the existence of paranormal phenomena, the villa's reputation as a haunted place persists to this day.

Those who visit Villa Rosebery cannot help but feel attracted by its charm and history, but at the same time they may feel a sense of uneasiness when faced with stories of mysterious presences. If you are a fan of haunted places and unsolved mysteries, Villa Rosebery is definitely worth including in your list of visits to Naples.