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The history of the Falcons revealed: the legendary anti-snatch police of Naples

In the beating heart of Naples, one of the most fascinating and complex cities in Italy, a story unfolds that intertwines tradition, security and an incessant fight against crime. The Falcons, the legendary anti-theft police of the Neapolitan city, represent a symbol of resilience and determination in combating theft and crime that have always plagued the streets and alleys of Naples. This article aims to reveal the history of this special unit, which, through an innovative and courageous approach, was able to win the trust of citizens and establish itself as a bulwark against injustice.

Through ten key points, we will explore the origins of the Hawks, born from the need for more specialized policing in a particularly vulnerable urban context. We will analyze the rigorous training and selection process of the agents, the first missions that marked the beginning of their adventure and the operational techniques that made them unique. We will not fail to highlight the successes achieved, the famous operations that have made history and the social impact that this unit has had on the Neapolitan community.

In a context of growing collaboration with other law enforcement agencies, the Falcons have been able to evolve over time, responding to the challenges of a constantly changing city. Finally, we will explore the public perception of these agents, often ambivalent but always compelling, which reflects the hopes and fears of a population that wishes to live in safety. Let’s get ready to discover a piece of history that, despite its challenges, continues to write pages of courage and dedication to serving the community.

Origins of the Hawks

The legendary anti-theft police of Naples

The origins of the Falchi date back to the 1970s, a period in which Naples was known for the spread of thefts and muggings. Faced with this situation, the authorities decided to establish a special police unit to combat the phenomenon. Thus was born the legendary anti-snatch police, commonly known as the Hawks.

The name "Hawks" comes from the fact that the agents were trained to be as fast as hawks in catching criminals. This special unit stood out for its determination to fight crime and for its ability to solve shoplifting cases quickly and effectively.

The Falchi's reputation grew rapidly, so much so that they became one of the most feared law enforcement agencies by criminals in Naples. Their presence on the street was enough to discourage many criminals, who knew they could not escape their attention.

The need for specialized police

Origins of the Falcons

The Hawks were born in Naples in the 1980s as a response to the growing wave of muggings and thefts that were affecting the city in an increasingly violent and widespread manner. The traditional police often found it difficult to combat this type of crime, which required specific skills and greater promptness of action.

The need for a specialized police

For this reason, it was decided to create a special team, made up of highly trained and motivated policemen, capable of intervening quickly and effectively against pickpockets and criminals operating in the city area. This special unit took the name "Falchi", as a symbol of speed, agility and precision in action.

Training and selection

The agents who were part of the Falcons had to pass strict selection tests and undergo intensive training, aimed at enhancing their operational capabilities and preparing them to face high-risk situations in a professional and timely manner.

The first mission

The Falcons' first mission was an immediate success, with the arrest of a gang of muggers who had spread terror among the citizens. From that moment, the Naples anti-snatch unit became a constant and feared presence for criminals, who knew they could not escape their rapid and determined action.

Equipment and operational techniques

The Falcons were equipped with cutting-edge equipment and used sophisticated operational techniques, which allowed them to identify and neutralize criminals with precision and without risk to the safety of citizens.

Success and famous operations

Over the years, the Falcons have achieved numerous successes and carried out famous operations that have made them a point of reference in the fight against crime in Naples. Their presence has significantly contributed to improving the safety of the city and reducing the number of muggings and thefts.

The social impact on the city

The Hawks' action had a positive impact on citizens' perception of safety, who began to frequent the streets and public places again with greater tranquility and trust in the institutions.

Collaborations with other law enforcement agencies

The Hawks have established collaborative relationships with other law enforcement agencies, coordinating with the local police and special forces to effectively combat organized crime and guarantee the safety of the city.

Evolution over time

Over the years, the Hawks have continued to evolve and adapt to the new challenges of urban crime, expanding their skills and strengthening the resources available to effectively combat the different forms of crime that threaten the safety of citizens.

Public perception of the Hawks

The Falcons are considered a point of reference in the fight against crime in Naples, and enjoy a high level of trust and respect from the population, who sees them as a bastion of security and legality in the city.

Training and selection

The Falcon agents were selected from among the best elements of the existing law enforcement agencies, such as the Carabinieri and the State Police. Only those who demonstrated particular investigative skills, physical resistance and cold blood were chosen to be part of this elite unit.

The Falcons' training was extremely rigorous and aimed to develop the operational capabilities of the officers in high-risk situations. The agents underwent intense physical, tactical and psychological training courses, in order to best prepare them to face the most dangerous criminals.

Once initial training was completed, the Falcon agents were continuously updated and trained on the latest investigative and operational techniques, in order to guarantee maximum efficiency of their actions in the field.

The selection and training of the Falcons ensured that only the best agents were able to be part of this legendary unit, contributing to their high success rate in anti-theft operations in Naples.

The first mission

The Falcons' first assignment

One of the first missions of the Falchi, the legendary anti-snatch police of Naples, was to defeat a gang of muggers who had spread terror among the citizens of the city. Thanks to the information gathered by infiltrators within the gang, the Hawks managed to plan a secret operation to capture the criminals in the act.

Coordinated action

The Hawks, with the support of other law enforcement agencies, organized a night blitz to surprise the criminals during one of their attacks. Thanks to the precision and speed with which they acted, the Hawks managed to stop the gang and recover the stolen loot, returning it to the victims. This operation marked the beginning of the Falchi's reputation as an elite unit in the fight against crime in Naples.

Equipment and operational techniques


The Falcons were equipped with modern and sophisticated firearms, such as semi-automatic pistols and assault rifles. Furthermore, they also used specialized tools for anti-theft operations, such as hidden cameras and directional microphones. Each member of the department was equipped with an emergency kit containing bandages, plasters and other emergency medical devices.

Operational techniques

The operational techniques of the Falcons were highly specialized and aimed at preventing and combating muggings in a rapid and effective manner. The members of the department were trained to identify suspicious behavior of potential muggers and to intervene promptly to prevent the crime from being committed. They also used stalking and stalking techniques to identify criminal gangs and dismantle them.

One of the techniques most used by the Hawks was infiltration: the police pretended to be tourists or ordinary citizens to attract the attention of criminals and catch them red-handed. This approach has allowed the department to achieve numerous successes in apprehending pickpockets and recovering stolen property.

The Falcons' operations were coordinated with other law enforcement agencies, such as the State Police and the Guardia di Finanza, to ensure synergistic and coordinated action against organized crime.

Overall, the equipment and operational techniques of the Falcons have contributed significantly to the reduction of muggings in Naples and to safeguarding the safety of citizens.

Success and famous operations of the Falcons

Operation "Challenge to the Sun"

One of the most famous operations of the Falcons was certainly "Challenge to the Sun", which led to the arrest of a dangerous gang of pickpockets who terrorized the historic center of Naples. Thanks to coordinated and timely action, the Hawks managed to identify the gang members and neutralize them, thus restoring safety to citizens and significantly reducing the number of muggings in the area.

Operation "Red Moon"

Another success of the Hawks was the "Luna Rossa" operation, aimed at dismantling a drug trafficking network that operated in the Scampia district. Thanks to their experience and determination, the Hawks managed to identify the main members of the gang and seize a record quantity of drugs, thus significantly contributing to the fight against drug trafficking in the city.

Operation "Hawkeye"

Finally, mention should also be made of Operation "Hawkeye", which allowed the Hawks to identify and arrest a dangerous criminal wanted internationally for a series of murders. Thanks to their professionalism and investigative skills, the Hawks managed to bring to justice an individual who represented a threat to the safety of Naples and its citizens.

The social impact on the city

The activities of the Falchi have had a significant impact on Neapolitan society, especially regarding the perception of security and effectiveness of the police.

The presence of the Hawks has contributed to significantly reducing the number of muggings and thefts in the city, increasing the sense of security among citizens. Thanks to their timely intervention and resolution of cases, the Hawks have earned the trust of the population and the respect of criminals.

The constant presence of these specialized units has also contributed to creating a climate of deterrence towards bad actors, who know they have to deal with highly trained police prepared to counter them at all times. This has led to a general decrease in crime and a greater perception of safety by citizens.

Furthermore, the effectiveness of the Falcons' operations has had a positive impact on the local economy, encouraging tourism and investment in the city. Foreign visitors feel safer knowing that there is a special unit dedicated to fighting crime, and this has helped increase the flow of tourists to the area.

In conclusion, the social impact of the Falcons on Naples has been extremely positive, improving the quality of life of citizens, strengthening the reputation of the city and contributing to public safety in a significant way.

Perception publishes the Hawks

The image of the Falcons in Neapolitan society

The public perception of the Falchi, Naples' legendary anti-snatch police, has been the subject of debate in Neapolitan society. On the one hand, there are those who consider them heroes, capable of guaranteeing the safety of citizens and successfully combating the phenomenon of bag snatching. On the other hand, there are those who criticize them for methods often considered too harsh and for their way of acting which could violate citizens' rights.

Despite the controversies, the Falchi have gained a certain fame and respect within the Neapolitan community over time. Their actions were often celebrated by local and national media, and the anti-theft squad's popularity increased thanks to their successes in the most difficult and dangerous operations.

Collaboration with other law enforcement agencies

The Hawks have also collaborated with other law enforcement agencies, such as the State Police and the Guardia di Finanza, to more effectively combat organized crime and protect the city from possible threats. These collaborations have helped strengthen the Falcons' image as a highly specialized and professional elite unit.

In conclusion, the public perception of the Hawks in Naples is complex and varied, but overall they are considered a positive force for the city's security and for the fight against crime. Their presence was fundamental to reduce the phenomenon of bag snatching and to guarantee citizens greater peace of mind and safety on the streets of Naples.

Evolution over time

In the decades following their creation, the Hawks have continued to evolve and adapt to the new challenges of organized crime in Naples. As the years have passed, new training methods and investigative techniques have been introduced to deal with new threats that have arisen.

One of the main changes that has occurred over time has been the increasingly frequent use of technology in the Falcons' operations. Thanks to the use of advanced tools such as surveillance cameras, tracking devices and data analysis software, the Hawks have managed to significantly improve the effectiveness of their investigations and achieve increasingly significant results in the fight against crime.

Another element that characterized the evolution of the Falcons over time was the creation of specialized units to deal with specific types of crimes. For example, teams dedicated to the fight against drug trafficking, racketeering and extortion have been established, thus ensuring greater effectiveness and specialization in investigations.

This constant evolution has allowed the Falchi to remain one of the most feared and respected police forces in Naples, continuing to play a fundamental role in the fight against crime and in maintaining public order in the city.