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Seven tammurriate for seven sisters: a musical journey to discover Naples

Naples, with its rich history and lively traditions, is a city that makes itself heard through the unique sound of the tammurriata. This ancient popular dance, which has its roots in peasant culture and religious celebrations, represents not only a way to express joy and conviviality, but also a deep connection with local origins and identities. In this article, we propose to undertake a musical journey to discover Naples through seven tammurriate, each of which will lead us to a different corner of the city, revealing its essence and cultural richness.

Starting from Spaccanapoli, the beating heart of the city, we will immerse ourselves in the overwhelming rhythms that animate the streets. We will continue in the Quartieri Spagnoli, a neighborhood rich in history and vitality, where every note tells stories of daily life and centuries-old traditions. From Posillipo, with its breathtaking view of the Gulf of Naples, we will move to Vomero, a hilly area that offers a fascinating mix of modernity and tradition. Chiaia will welcome us with its elegance, while Forcella will take us to discover the most authentic side of the city.

We will not fail to visit the Umberto I Gallery, a place where music blends with architecture, and San Gregorio Armeno, famous for its artisan workshops. We will conclude our journey in Castel dell’Ovo and Piazza Plebiscito, two symbols of the city that frame this extraordinary sound journey. Each tammurriata, a unique celebration, will guide us on an unforgettable experience that will make us discover Naples not only as a tourist destination, but as an authentic stage of emotions and traditions.

Tammurriata in Spaccanapoli


The Tammurriata is a traditional Neapolitan dance that has ancient roots and is still practiced and celebrated in different parts of the city. One of the most famous areas where you can attend tammurriata shows is certainly Spaccanapoli, the historic heart of Naples. Here, among the narrow alleys and ancient buildings, it is possible to come across groups of musicians and dancers who passionately perform this typical folk dance.

The Tammurriata in Spaccanapoli is a true spectacle for the senses, with frenetic and engaging rhythms that capture the attention of anyone who finds themselves passing through the streets of the historic center. The dancers, dressed in colorful and ornate traditional clothing, move with grace and vigor to the sound of tambourines, typical instruments of Neapolitan popular music.

This form of artistic expression is much loved by Neapolitans and represents a moment of sharing and celebration, where music and dance become a means of expressing joy and tradition. The tammurriata shows in Spaccanapoli are a unique experience not to be missed for anyone who wants to immerse themselves in the culture and traditions of the city.

Tammurriata del Quartieri Spagnoli

The Tammurriata del Quartieri Spagnoli is a traditional Neapolitan folk dance that takes place in the historic neighborhoods of Naples, known for their liveliness and authenticity. This form of artistic expression is characterized by the frenetic rhythm of tambourines, typical instruments of Neapolitan popular music, which accompany the dancers during the performance.

The Quartieri Spagnoli, located in the heart of the old city of Naples, is one of the most evocative places to attend a Tammurriata. The narrow, winding streets, the colorful facades of the buildings and the vibrant atmosphere create the ideal context to completely immerse yourself in the culture and traditions of the city.

During a Tammurriata in the Quartieri Spagnoli it is possible to observe the dancers moving with passion and grace, following the pressing rhythm of the tambourines. The choreographic figures are often intricate and engaging, with fast movements and acrobatic jumps that make the show even more exciting.

The Tammurriata del Quartieri Spagnoli is a unique experience that allows you to come into contact with the authentic soul of Naples, discovering its history, its music and its vitality. It is a moment of sharing and celebration, in which participants can let themselves be carried away by the beauty and energy of the Neapolitan popular tradition.

Tammurriata in Posillipo

The Tammurriata in Posillipo is a traditional event that takes place in the charming neighborhood of Naples overlooking the gulf. Posillipo is known for its natural beauty and breathtaking sea views, and is the perfect place to celebrate the culture and traditions of Tammurriata.

The Tammurriata in Posillipo is an opportunity to immerse yourself in traditional Neapolitan music and dance, with tambourines echoing through the narrow, winding streets of the neighborhood. Participants dance and sing together, creating a festive and engaging atmosphere.

This form of artistic expression has ancient and deep roots in Neapolitan culture, and the Tammurriata in Posillipo represents an authentic celebration of this tradition. Neighborhood residents and visitors come together to participate in this unique celebration, which allows them to connect with the history and culture of Naples.

The Tammurriata in Posillipo is an unforgettable experience for anyone who wants to experience the magic and energy of Naples in a unique and evocative context. Participating in this celebration allows you to immerse yourself in local culture and appreciate the richness of Neapolitan traditions.

Tammurriata al Vomero


The Tammurriata al Vomero is a traditional Neapolitan folk dance that takes place in the hilly district of Vomero, located in the upper part of the city of Naples. This form of artistic expression has ancient roots and represents a moment of celebration and sharing between participants.


The Tammurriata al Vomero is mainly performed during the religious holidays and popular festivals held in the neighborhood. The typical musical instruments used during the dance are the drum (frame drum or tammorra) and the accordion, which accompany the dancers in their rhythmic and engaging movements.

The choreographies of the Tammurriata al Vomero are characterized by energetic and jumping steps, which recall the traditions and popular culture of the city of Naples. The dancers, dressed in colorful and lively traditional clothing, move in a circle following the frenetic rhythm of the music, creating an atmosphere of joy and fun.

Places of execution

The Tammurriata al Vomero is usually performed on the occasion of festivals, neighborhood parties and cultural events organized in the hilly area of ​​Naples. Participants gather in the squares and streets of Vomero to dance and sing together, creating a festive and engaging atmosphere that involves all those who participate.

This form of popular dance represents a moment of union and sharing between Neapolitans, who celebrate their roots and cultural identity through music and dance. Tammurriata al Vomero is a unique and engaging experience that allows visitors to immerse themselves in the tradition and energy of the city of Naples.

Tammurriata a Chiaia


The Tammurriata a Chiaia is a type of traditional Neapolitan dance that takes place in the Chiaia district, one of the most elegant and renowned neighborhoods of Naples. This popular dance form is characterized by frenetic and engaging rhythms, accompanied by the sound of drums, tammorre and guitars.

Places of performance

The Tammurriata in Chiaia takes place mainly in the squares and streets of the neighborhood, where cultural events and events linked to the Neapolitan popular tradition are often organised. During local holidays and patronal celebrations, it is possible to attend tammurriata shows and actively participate in the dance together with the musicians and dancers.


The Tammurriata in Chiaia is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in Neapolitan culture and tradition, living an authentic and engaging experience. Tourists and visitors who participate in these events can enjoy the music and dance typical of the area, savoring the festive and cheerful atmosphere that distinguishes Neapolitan popular festivals.

Furthermore, the Tammurriata a Chiaia represents an opportunity to discover the richness and variety of Neapolitan culture, through the music, dance and popular traditions that characterize this fascinating city.

Tammurriata a Forcella

Information on Tammurriata in Forcella

The Tammurriata is a traditional and popular dance of the Campania region, particularly widespread in Naples and its surroundings. The Forcella neighborhood is one of the places where this ancient tradition is particularly alive and felt. The Tammurriata in Forcella is a moment of celebration and sharing, where music and dance come together to create a unique and engaging atmosphere.

The Tammurriata a Forcella usually takes place during popular festivals or cultural events, where musicians play tambourines and guitars and dancers perform traditional choreographies. The engaging and rhythmic melodies of the tammurriata create an atmosphere of joy and celebration, which infects everyone present and invites them to actively participate in the dance.

Participating in the Tammurriata a Forcella is a unique and unforgettable experience, which allows you to immerse yourself in the culture and traditions of the Neapolitan people. The sounds of tambourines and the voices of singers fill the streets of the neighborhood, creating a magical and engaging atmosphere that overwhelms anyone who happens to pass by.

If you want to fully experience the Tammurriata in Forcella, I recommend you take part in one of the events organized on the occasion of the patronal festivals or popular festivals in the neighbourhood. In this way you will be able to completely immerse yourself in the culture and traditions of the most authentic and genuine Naples, and discover the true spirit of tammurriata.

Tammurriata in the Galleria Umberto I


The Tammurriata in the Umberto I Gallery is a unique and evocative event held inside the famous Umberto I Gallery, located in the heart of Naples. The Tammurriata is a traditional dance typical of Neapolitan culture, characterized by frenetic and engaging rhythms that resonate in the air and capture the attention of everyone present.


The Tammurriata in the Umberto I Gallery sees the participation of skilled tambourine players and dancers who perform with passion and mastery, creating a vibrant and festive atmosphere that involves all those who are near the Gallery.


The Galleria Umberto I, with its elegant architecture and its bright windows, offers an evocative backdrop for the Tammurriata, creating a fascinating contrast between the tradition of dance and the modernity of the place. The sounds of the tambourines mix with Neapolitan music and the voices of the participants, creating a unique and unforgettable atmosphere.

Times and Frequency

The Tammurriata in the Umberto I Gallery is held regularly throughout the year, usually on weekends or during special events. Times may vary, so please check your local events calendar for exact performance dates.


Participating in the Tammurriata in the Galleria Umberto I is a unique experience that allows you to immerse yourself in Neapolitan culture and tradition in an evocative and fascinating context. Don't miss the opportunity to witness this engaging dance and experience an unforgettable moment in the heart of Naples.

Tammurriata in San Gregorio Armeno


The tammurriata in San Gregorio Armeno is a traditional event that takes place in the heart of the historic center of Naples. San Gregorio Armeno is one of the most famous streets in the city, known for its handcrafted nativity scenes and its workshops of artisans who work with wood and other materials to create sacred figures and characters of the Neapolitan tradition.

Event details

The tammurriata event in San Gregorio Armeno is usually held during the Christmas holidays, when the street is particularly crowded with visitors from all over the world to admire the nativity scenes and go shopping. During the tammurriata, groups of musicians and dancers perform along the street, creating a festive and engaging atmosphere.

The tammurriata is a traditional Neapolitan dance, accompanied by the sound of the drum (drum in Neapolitan dialect) and popular songs that tell stories of love, tradition and daily life. The dancers move in a circle, holding hands and following the frenetic rhythm of the music, creating an atmosphere of joy and sharing.

Participating in the tammurriata in San Gregorio Armeno is a unique experience to immerse yourself in the culture and traditions of Naples, and to experience a moment of authentic Neapolitan folklore. Spectators are invited to join the dance and have fun together with the musicians and dancers, creating an atmosphere of celebration and conviviality that makes the event unforgettable.

Tammurriata in Castel dell'Ovo

History and tradition

The Tammurriata in Castel dell'Ovo is a traditional event that takes place near one of the most iconic symbols of Naples, the Castel dell'Ovo. This ancient castle located on a small island in the Gulf of Naples provides an evocative backdrop for this form of popular dance and music.


The Tammurriata is a traditional dance that involves the use of tambourines, called tammorre, which are played rhythmically while dancing. The music and movements of the Tammurriata are energetic and engaging, and represent a form of cultural expression deeply rooted in the Neapolitan tradition.

During the event in Castel dell'Ovo, you can admire the skilled performances of the musicians and dancers who perform with great passion and mastery. The Tammurriata in Castel dell'Ovo is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in local culture and traditions, and to live an authentic and engaging experience.

How to participate

To participate in the Tammurriata in Castel dell'Ovo, it is advisable to find out in advance about the dates and times of the event, so that you can better organize your visit. The magical and evocative atmosphere of the Castel dell'Ovo, combined with the lively music and dance of the Tammurriata, will make this experience unforgettable for visitors of all ages.

Don't miss the opportunity to attend a Tammurriata in Castel dell'Ovo and experience a moment of authentic beauty and tradition in the heart of Naples.