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Three days of awareness-raising on sustainable fishing at the National Museum of Pietrarsa in Naples: an initiative to promote environmental sustainability in the Neapolitan city

The National Museum of Pietrarsa, located along the splendid coast of Naples, is preparing to host an event of great importance for raising awareness of sustainable fishing. This event, which will take place over three days, represents an important initiative aimed at promoting environmental sustainability in the lively Neapolitan city, a place where the sea and culinary tradition are intertwined in an indissoluble bond. Sustainable fishing is a crucial issue, as marine resources, due to overexploitation and pollution, are coming under increasingly severe pressure, threatening the marine ecosystem and the communities that depend on it.

The event will be divided into ten distinctive points, each designed to engage the public in an active and informative way. It will begin with an opening ceremony that will kick off a series of conferences and debates, where industry experts will share their knowledge and experiences. The interactive workshops will offer participants the chance to learn sustainable practices in a hands-on and engaging way. The photographic exhibition on sustainable fishing will display evocative images that tell the story of the beauty and fragility of marine ecosystems, while the educational workshops for children will stimulate the curiosity of the youngest.

On a sensorial journey, visitors will also be able to participate in tastings of sustainable seafood products, discovering authentic flavors that respect the environment. Documentary screenings and meetings with industry experts will offer further food for thought on such a current topic. There will be information stands from environmental associations, ready to spread knowledge and awareness. Finally, the closing of the event will be dedicated to final reflections, a moment of discussion for all participants, with the aim of inspiring a collective commitment towards more sustainable and responsible practices. With this initiative, Naples presents itself not only as a tourist destination, but also as a protagonist of a cultural change in the management of marine resources.

Opening event

The opening event of the event dedicated to sustainable fishing in Naples was an exciting and engaging moment for all participants.

The day began with a short welcome ceremony, during which the aims of the event and the topics that would be covered in the following days were presented. The organizers underlined the importance of raising public awareness of the importance of sustainable fishing and the good practices to be adopted to ensure the protection of marine resources.

Subsequently, several industry experts spoke and gave short introductory speeches on the topic of sustainable fishing and the challenges that the sector must face to guarantee the survival of fish species and the protection of the marine environment.

The most exciting part of the opening event was the performance of a group of local fishermen, who talked about their experiences at sea and shared their passion for the sea and sustainable fishing with the public. Their testimony made tangible the importance of protecting marine resources and promoting responsible fishing practices.

Finally, the opening event concluded with a toast and with the invitation to participate in the numerous activities and initiatives planned in the following days, which would have allowed the participants to delve deeper into the topics covered and to contribute to the dissemination of a culture of sustainable fishing.

Conferences and debates

The conferences and debates planned during the event will be a fundamental moment to delve deeper into issues related to sustainable fishing and the marine environment.

During the conferences, industry experts will share their knowledge and experiences regarding sustainable fishing practices, marine species at risk of extinction and marine environmental protection policies. Topics such as sea pollution, climate change and best practices for preserving marine biodiversity will also be addressed.

The debates will instead offer the opportunity to discuss and dialogue on these issues, involving both sector experts and the public present. It will be possible to ask questions, express opinions and discuss possible solutions to promote the sustainability of fishing and the protection of the marine environment.

The conferences and debates will be a fundamental opportunity for in-depth analysis and awareness-raising to promote greater awareness of these issues and to stimulate concrete actions in favor of environmental sustainability.

Interactive workshops


The interactive workshops are moments of meeting and learning in which participants have the opportunity to explore issues related to sustainable fishing in a practical and engaging way. Industry experts will lead interactive sessions illustrating techniques and practices that can help preserve fish resources and ensure the sustainability of fishing activities.


The interactive workshops aim to raise public awareness of the importance of sustainable fishing and to provide concrete tools for adopting responsible behavior in the consumption of fish products. Through practical and demonstration activities, participants will have the opportunity to understand the processes that regulate sustainable fishing and acquire useful knowledge to make informed choices.


The interactive workshops involve the active participation of those present, who will be able to directly experiment with the techniques and methodologies proposed by the experts. Through practical exercises, simulations and role-playing games, participants will be involved in a dynamic and engaging learning path, which will promote the understanding and memorization of key concepts related to sustainable fishing.

Photographic exhibition on sustainable fishing


The photographic exhibition on sustainable fishing is one of the main events of this event dedicated to tourism in Naples. Through a selection of evocative and engaging images, visitors will have the opportunity to explore the world of sustainable fishing and discover the importance of preserving marine resources for future generations.

What to expect

The photographs displayed in the exhibition will offer a unique look at sustainable fishing techniques, threatened marine species, and seascapes that deserve to be protected. Each image will be accompanied by an informative caption to raise public awareness of the importance of making informed choices when it comes to consuming fish products.


The photographic exhibition on sustainable fishing aims to educate and raise public awareness on issues related to fishing and the protection of the marine environment. Through the beauty of the images on display, we hope to stimulate reflection on our consumption habits and push towards a more responsible approach towards the sea and its resources.

Educational workshops for children


The educational workshops for children are an educational and fun activity designed to involve the little ones in the topic of sustainable fishing. Through games, practical activities and demonstrations, children will have the opportunity to learn interactively about the importance of preserving marine resources and adopting responsible behavior towards the marine environment.


The educational workshops for children aim to raise awareness among young participants on issues related to sustainable fishing, providing them with useful information and stimuli to become aware citizens attentive to the protection of the marine ecosystem. Through engaging and fun activities, children will have the opportunity to learn fundamental concepts about marine biodiversity, the life cycle of fish and good practices to adopt to protect the oceans.


The educational workshops for children will be conducted by experts in the sector, who will be able to convey complex concepts related to sustainable fishing in a simple and accessible way. Through the use of educational materials specifically designed to involve young participants, the workshops will offer a complete and stimulating educational experience, which will allow children to learn in an active and fun way.

Tastings of sustainable seafood products

A culinary journey to discover sustainable fishing

The tastings of sustainable seafood products represent a unique moment during the event. Thanks to the collaboration with local fishermen and companies that are committed to responsible fishing, participants will have the opportunity to taste sea delicacies prepared according to traditional and innovative recipes.

The tastings will not only be an opportunity to delight the palate, but also to raise awareness among participants of the importance of choosing fish products from sustainable fishing. The cooks and chefs present during the event will illustrate the characteristics of the dishes offered and tell the story behind each ingredient used.

The tastings of sustainable seafood products will be organized in different thematic areas, each dedicated to a particular type of fish or shellfish. Participants will be able to taste Mediterranean red prawns, red mullet, sardines and many other delicacies, all accompanied by carefully selected local wines and drinks.

This moment of conviviality and culinary discovery will help spread the culture of sustainable fishing among participants, inviting them to make informed choices when purchasing fish products. The tastings of sustainable fish products will be an unforgettable experience for all lovers of the sea and good food.

Documentary screenings

An exciting journey to discover sustainable fishing

Documentary screenings during the event will provide attendees with a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of sustainable fishing. Through engaging and informative films, visitors will be able to learn more about the practices and challenges of sustainable fishing, discovering the benefits it brings to the marine environment and the local community.

In-depth analysis and awareness-raising

The documentary screenings will be a moment of study and awareness on the topic of sustainable fishing. Participants will be able to better understand the importance of adopting responsible and environmentally friendly fishing practices, thus contributing to the conservation of fish resources for future generations.

Dialogue and discussion

The documentary screenings will also offer the opportunity to dialogue and discuss with industry experts, who will be present to comment on the films and answer questions from the public. It will therefore be possible to deepen one's knowledge and compare one's ideas on the topic of sustainable fishing, thus contributing to greater awareness and sensitization on the topic.

Meetings with sector experts


Meetings with industry experts will be an unmissable opportunity to delve deeper into issues related to sustainable fishing and the marine environment. Experts in marine biology, environmental sciences and representatives of associations active in marine protection will be present. During these meetings, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions, receive practical advice and useful information on the protection of marine ecosystems and the responsible consumption of seafood.

Participants will be able to listen to the direct experiences of experts, learn about the latest scientific research on the topic and interact with professionals in the sector. Meetings will be organized both in the form of conferences and round tables, to encourage dialogue and the exchange of ideas between experts and the public.

These meetings represent a unique opportunity to raise awareness among citizens of the importance of preserving the sea and its inhabitants, and to promote conscious and sustainable behavior in the relationship with the marine environment. They will also be a moment of discussion and study for those who wish to deepen their knowledge on these issues that are so crucial for the future of our planet.

Information stands of environmentalist associations


Our event dedicated to sustainable fishing would not be complete without the presence of the information stands of environmental associations. These stands will offer visitors the opportunity to delve deeper into issues related to the protection of the marine environment and responsible fishing.

What will you find

At the stands of the environmental associations you can find information material, booklets, brochures and leaflets that will allow you to learn more about the fish species at risk, the fishing practices that are harmful to the environment and the initiatives implemented to promote sustainable fishing more sustainable.

You will also have the opportunity to speak directly with the members of the associations, who will be available to answer your questions, provide you with advice on how to contribute to the protection of marine ecosystems and suggest ways to consciously consume fish products.


The main objective of the information stands of environmental associations is to raise public awareness of the importance of sustainable fishing and protection of the marine environment. By disseminating information and promoting responsible behavior, these associations work to ensure a better future for our seas and future generations.

By choosing to visit the stands of environmentalist associations during our event, you will actively contribute to the spread of a culture of respect towards the sea and its inhabitants, supporting the initiatives and awareness campaigns promoted by these important entities in the environmentalist world.