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Top 10 Museums to absolutely visit during your trip to Naples

Naples, one of the most fascinating and historically rich cities in Europe, is an unmissable destination for lovers of culture and art. With its unique historical heritage and vibrant art scene, Naples offers a variety of museums that tell the stories, traditions and works of art that have marked the course of civilization. If you are planning a trip to this beautiful city, you cannot miss the opportunity to explore its museums, each of which offers a unique and engaging experience.

The art and history of Naples intertwine in a journey through the ages, from the vestiges of antiquity to the extraordinary masterpieces of the Renaissance and beyond. The National Archaeological Museum of Naples, for example, is a real gem that houses one of the most important collections of Greek and Roman art in the world. At the same time, the Capodimonte Museum offers a fascinating vision of Neapolitan and international art, immersed in a park that enchants visitors.

It’s not just art that makes Naples a unique city; even its sacred architecture and places of worship, such as the Sansevero Chapel and the Treasure Museum of San Gennaro, tell stories of faith and devotion that have their roots in local culture. Furthermore, the Madre Museum and the San Martino Museum represent innovation and tradition, offering spaces in which contemporary art dialogues with the past.

In this article, we will explore the ten museums you absolutely must visit during your stay in Naples, each of which will allow you to immerse yourself in the cultural richness of the city. Prepare your map and be inspired by everything Naples has to offer!

National Archaeological Museum of Naples

General information

The National Archaeological Museum of Naples is one of the most important archaeological museums in the world and houses a vast collection of finds coming mainly from the ancient cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabiae. Founded in 1777 by King Ferdinand IV of Bourbon, the museum is located in Piazza Museo, in the heart of the historic center of Naples.

Main collections

The museum is divided into different sections, including the section of Pompeian finds, the Egyptian section, the section of bronzes and the section of pictorial works. Among the most famous pieces of the museum are the Farnese Bull, a Roman marble sculpture, and the collection of mosaics from ancient Roman villas.

Timetables and tickets

The National Archaeological Museum of Naples is open from Tuesday to Sunday, with opening hours that vary depending on the season. The cost of the entrance ticket is 12 euros for the full price and 6 euros for the reduced one. You can purchase tickets online or directly at the museum ticket office.

How to get there

The museum is easily accessible by public transport, as it is located a few steps from Naples central station. You can also reach it by metro, getting off at the Museo stop on line 1.

In conclusion, the National Archaeological Museum of Naples is an essential stop for anyone visiting the city, offering a fascinating journey into the history of ancient Roman and Greek civilisation. Its vast collection of archaeological finds and works of art makes this museum a true cultural treasure not to be missed.

Museum of Capodimonte


The Capodimonte Museum is one of the most important museums in Naples and in the whole of Italy. Located in a splendid 18th-century palace, the museum houses a vast collection of works of art ranging from the Middle Ages to the contemporary age. Founded in 1757 by Charles of Bourbon, the museum was set up to house the collections of the Bourbon royal family. Today, the museum boasts a collection of works by famous artists such as Caravaggio, Titian, Raphael and many others.

Main Works

One of the most famous works in the museum is certainly the "Flagellation of Christ" by Caravaggio, an absolute masterpiece of the baroque painter. Other notable works include Giuseppe Sanmartino's "Veiled Christ", an extraordinary sculpture representing the dead Jesus wrapped in a transparent marble veil, and Caravaggio's "Nativity", a painting of great emotional impact.


The Capodimonte Museum is open every day except Wednesdays. The museum is easily accessible by public transport and also offers parking for those arriving by car. It is advisable to dedicate at least half a day to visiting the museum to be able to admire all the main works and fully enjoy the beauty of the Capodimonte palace.

Museo Madre

Information on the Museum

The Madre Museum, acronym for Donnaregina Museum of Contemporary Art, is one of the main contemporary art museums in Naples. It is located in the heart of the historic center, near the famous Piazza del Gesù Nuovo. Founded in 2005, the Madre Museum is housed inside an ancient 14th century convent, which has been restored and adapted to house contemporary works of art.

Collections and Works

The Madre Museum hosts a rich collection of contemporary works of art, ranging from installations to paintings, from sculptures to performances. Among the artists represented there are names of great importance in the international art scene, such as Andy Warhol, Joseph Beuys, Anish Kapoor and many others. The museum regularly organizes temporary exhibitions and cultural events that allow visitors to discover new artistic expressions and come into contact with contemporary art.

Timetables and Practical Information

The Madre Museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday, with opening hours that vary depending on the day of the week. It is advisable to consult the museum's official website or contact the facility directly to check times and entrance fees. The museum is easily accessible by public transport and is located in an area well served by bars, restaurants and shops, making the visit even more pleasant and complete.

Cappella Sansevero


The Sansevero Chapel, also known as the Sansevero de' Sangri Chapel or the Sansevero dei Sangro Chapel, is a jewel of Baroque art located in the heart of the historic center of Naples. Built between 1590 and 1608 at the behest of Alessandro di Sangro, prince of Sansevero, the chapel is famous for its extraordinary and mysterious works of art.

Works of art

Inside the chapel you can admire masterpieces by artists of the caliber of Giuseppe Sanmartino and Francesco Queirolo. The most famous sculpture is undoubtedly the "Veiled Christ" by Sanmartino, an extraordinary work that seems to be veiled by a veil of transparent marble. Other noteworthy works are Queirolo's "Disillusionment" and the statues of the "Two descended from heaven" and "Pudicity".

Legends and mysteries

The Sansevero Chapel is shrouded in numerous legends and mysteries, including the famous "Anatomic Machines" by Raimondo di Sangro, which represent the transparency of the human body through plastination. Some visitors claim to have seen the statues move at night, thus fueling rumors about the alleged involvement of occult practices in the creation of the works.

In conclusion, the Sansevero Chapel is a unique and fascinating place that absolutely deserves a visit during your stay in Naples. The magical and mysterious atmosphere that reigns inside the chapel will leave you breathless, making the experience unforgettable.

San Martino Museum

General Information

The Museum of San Martino is one of the most important museums in Naples and is located within the monumental complex of the same name, located on the Vomero hill. The building that houses the museum is a former 14th century charterhouse, which represents a significant example of Neapolitan baroque architecture. The museum was inaugurated in 1866 and preserves a rich collection of works of art, sacred art objects and furnishings coming mainly from Neapolitan churches and convents.


The San Martino Museum boasts a vast collection that ranges from sacred art to painting, from sculpture to ceramics. Among the most important works on display is the famous Cuciniello Nativity Scene, an eighteenth-century nativity scene made up of over 160 painted terracotta figurines. Furthermore, the museum preserves masterpieces by artists such as Luca Giordano, Francesco De Mura and Jusepe de Ribera. A section of the museum is dedicated to Capodimonte porcelain, with valuable pieces coming from the Royal Factory of Naples.

The Certosa di San Martino

In addition to the artistic collections, the San Martino Museum offers the possibility of visiting the Certosa di San Martino, a Benedictine monastic complex founded in the 14th century. Inside the Certosa you can admire the monks' cells, the richly decorated church, the large cloister and the small cloister, as well as the hanging garden from which you can enjoy a panoramic view of the city of Naples.

In conclusion, the San Martino Museum is an unmissable place for anyone who wants to immerse themselves in the history and art of Naples, among works of art of inestimable value and an evocative monumental complex that tells centuries of the city's history.

Museum of the Treasure of San Gennaro

General information

The Treasure Museum of San Gennaro is located in the heart of Naples, within the complex of the Cathedral of San Gennaro. This one-of-a-kind museum houses an extraordinary collection of jewels, silver, and precious votive gifts dedicated to the city's patron saint, San Gennaro.

History and collections

The museum was founded in 1980 and collects treasures donated to the cathedral over the centuries. Among the most important works are the precious vials containing the blood of San Gennaro, which liquefies three times a year during the celebrations in honor of the saint. Furthermore, the museum preserves jewels, sacred vestments, and objects of great artistic and historical value.

One of the main attractions of the museum is the Hall of Relics, where the remains of San Gennaro and other saints are displayed, kept in valuable silver and gold reliquaries. Furthermore, the collection includes numerous votive offerings, offered by the faithful in thanks for graces received.

Timetables and practical information

The Treasure Museum of San Gennaro is open every day, except Tuesdays, from 9:00 to 18:00. Entrance is paid, with reduced rates for students and groups. It is advisable to book your visit in advance, especially during peak tourist periods.

For lovers of sacred art and religious history, the Treasure Museum of San Gennaro is an essential stop during a visit to Naples. Discovering the treasures that popular devotion has given to the city's patron saint is a unique and exciting experience.

Pignatelli Museum

General information

The Pignatelli Museum is one of the hidden gems of Naples, located inside an elegant 18th century noble palace. This museum is dedicated to the private collection of the Pignatelli family, which includes works of art, furnishings, antiques and a rich library.


The collections of the Pignatelli Museum are divided into different sections, each dedicated to a historical period or a specific theme. Among the most important works are paintings, sculptures, tapestries and antique furniture, which offer an interesting overview of the history of art and furniture in Italy.

The museum also houses a rich collection of porcelain, ceramics, glass and silver which testify to the refined taste of the Pignatellis and their passion for decorative art.


The Pignatelli Museum is open to the public and offers the opportunity to visit the rooms of the noble palace, immersing yourself in the atmosphere of a bygone era. Guided tours allow visitors to discover the history of the Pignatelli family and admire the works of art in the collection up close.

For art and history enthusiasts, the Pignatelli Museum is an unmissable stop during a trip to Naples. The evocative atmosphere of the palace and the beauty of the works on display make this experience unique and unforgettable.

Duca di Martina Museum


The Duca di Martina Museum is one of the most important art and antique collections in Naples. Located inside the Villa Floridiana, the museum houses the collection of the Duke of Martina, Ferdinando Acton, who collected works of art of great value during his life.

Works on display

The museum houses a vast collection of paintings, sculptures, furniture, porcelain, glass and decorative art objects from different eras and styles. Among the most important works are paintings by renowned artists such as Caravaggio, Titian, Raphael and many others. Furthermore, the museum preserves a rich collection of antique furnishings from Neapolitan noble palaces.


The Duca di Martina Museum offers visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the history and art of Naples through the works on display. Furthermore, the Villa Floridiana, where the museum is located, offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the city and the Gulf of Naples, making the visit even more evocative.

Museum of Health Arts


The Museum of Health Arts of Naples is a unique place of its kind, which tells the story of medicine and healthcare practices over the centuries. Located inside the Old Hospital of Naples, the museum offers an interesting overview of ancient medical knowledge and the techniques used to treat diseases.


The Museum of Health Arts' collections include ancient medical instruments, historical books and documents, anatomical models, and archaeological artifacts related to the practice of medicine. Among the most interesting pieces are ancient surgical instruments, medicines and potions used in the past, as well as objects linked to popular beliefs related to health and healing.


The museum also offers a series of educational activities aimed at both adults and children, including guided tours, workshops and lectures on the history of medicine. Furthermore, temporary exhibitions and special events related to the theme of health and well-being are organised.

Timetables and Useful Information

The Museum of Health Arts is open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday, with opening hours that vary according to the season. Entrance is paid, but there are reductions for students, seniors and organized groups. It is advisable to check the opening hours and any upcoming events before planning your visit.

Address: Via dei Tribunali, 292, Naples Telephone: +39 081 229 466 Website:

The Museum of Health Arts is a fascinating and evocative place, which allows visitors to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of medicine and healthcare throughout history. A visit to this museum is a unique and memorable experience for anyone interested in the history of medicine and the care of the body and mind.