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Sansevero Chapel and Veiled Christ

Naples, with its rich cultural and artistic heritage, is a city that enchants visitors with its thousand-year history and its architectural wonders. Among the places of greatest interest, the Sansevero Chapel stands like an authentic jewel, housing within it works of art of inestimable value. In particular, the Veiled Christ, a sculpture representing a masterpiece by Michelangelo Naccherino, attracts the attention of tourists and art enthusiasts from all over the world. This article aims to guide you through a fascinating journey to discover the Sansevero Chapel and its famous work, divided into ten points that explore various aspects.We will start with the history of the Sansevero Chapel, a place of worship that has seen a succession of historical events and illustrious people, and then move on to the architecture and design that characterize it, a perfect combination of art and spirituality. The focus of our exploration will be the Veiled Christ, analyzing the techniques and artists involved in its creation, as well as the symbolic meaning that this extraordinary sculpture contains. We will not fail to examine the other works of art present in the chapel and the role of the family of Raimondo di Sangro, the patron who commissioned these magnificent creations.Furthermore, we will focus on the legends surrounding the Veiled Christ, on the cultural and tourist importance of the Sansevero Chapel and we will give practical information for visitors. Finally, we will explore the events and initiatives that make this place even more alive and fascinating. A journey that promises to enrich your knowledge of Neapolitan culture and make you appreciate the extraordinary beauty of one of the most emblematic monuments of the city.

History of the Sansevero Chapel

The Sansevero Chapel, located in the heart of Naples, was founded in 1590 by Giovanni Francesco di Sangro, the founder of the Sansevero family. The chapel began as a burial place for family members and as an expression of their religious and philosophical beliefs.

In 1730, Raimondo di Sangro, the seventh prince of Sansevero, inherited the chapel and undertook a series of artistic and architectural transformations. Raimondo was a man of great culture, scientist and alchemist, and his ideas profoundly influenced the chapel project. He wanted to create a place that reflected his esoteric beliefs and the importance of science and religion.

The chapel was completed in 1760 and became a symbol of wealth and power, as well as a place of worship for the Masonic rites of which Raymond was a supporter. The chapel houses some of the most famous sculptures in the world, including the famous Veiled Christ, a work that represents a fusion of art and spirituality, created by Giuseppe Sanmartino.

Over the centuries, the Sansevero Chapel has undergone various restorations and modifications, but has kept its charm and importance intact. Today it is one of the most visited places in Naples, attracting tourists and scholars from all over the world, eager to admire not only the Veiled Christ, but also the other works of art and symbolism present within the chapel.

Architecture and design of the Sansevero Chapel

The Sansevero Chapel, located in the heart of Naples, is a masterpiece of Baroque architecture, designed at the beginning of the 18th century. The chapel was commissioned by Raimondo di Sangro, the Prince of Sansevero, and construction began in 1740. The structure is characterized by a series of decorative and architectural elements that reflect creativity and innovation of the time.

Structure and materials

The chapel has a rectangular plan with a central nave, flanked by two small side naves. The vault is splendidly decorated with frescoes and stuccos which create an atmosphere of great spirituality and wonder. The materials used in the construction include marble, stucco and wood, which help give the chapel an opulent and refined appearance.

Distinguishing design elements

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Sansevero Chapel is its lighting. Natural light penetrates through the windows, creating chiaroscuro effects that accentuate the shapes and textures of the decorations. Furthermore, the layout of the spaces is conceived in such a way as to guide the visitor through a journey of discovery, culminating in the vision of the famous Veiled Christ.

Symbolism in architecture

Every architectural element of the chapel is full of symbolic meaning. The decorations and sculptures not only beautify the space, but also tell stories of faith, death and resurrection. The chapel is a true laboratory of ideas where art and spirituality blend, reflecting the esoteric beliefs of Raimondo di Sangro.

In summary, the architecture and design of the Sansevero Chapel represent an extraordinary example of how Baroque art can express the complexity of the human condition and spiritual aspirations, making this place a treasure to be discovered by every visitor.

The Veiled Christ: artists and techniques

The Veiled Christ is one of the most famous and fascinating works of the Sansevero Chapel, created by Giuseppe Sanmartino in 1753. This sculpture represents the body of dead Christ, covered by a transparent veil of marble, which creates an effect of incredible realism and delicacy.

Giuseppe Sanmartino

Giuseppe Sanmartino, a Neapolitan sculptor, is known for his talent in working with marble. His ability to reproduce anatomical details and fabrics is evident in the Veiled Christ, where the veil almost seems to adhere to the body of Christ, revealing the shape and details of the body underneath. This sculpture is considered a masterpiece of Neapolitan Baroque.

The techniques used

The creation of the Veiled Christ required advanced marble processing techniques. Sanmartino used a block of Carrara marble, known for its quality and translucency. The artist applied a carving and sanding technique to create the veil, creating a texture that simulates the lightness and transparency of the fabric. Furthermore, the play of light and shadow on the surface of the veil contributes to giving a sense of depth and realism to the work.

Artistic innovation

The Veiled Christ stands out not only for its aesthetic beauty, but also for its technical innovation. Sanmartino’s ability to make the marble material so similar to a veil of fabric has been admired by critics and artists of every era. The work inspired numerous artists and had a lasting impact on European sculpture.

In conclusion, the Veiled Christ is not just a sculpture, but a symbol of artistic mastery and innovation, representing a fundamental point of reference in the history of art and culture of Naples. p>

Symbolic meaning of the Veiled Christ

The Veiled Christ, a work emblematically located inside the Sansevero Chapel, is not only an extraordinary artistic creation, but also represents a profound symbolic meaning that has its roots in Neapolitan culture and spirituality.

Representation of faith and piety

The figure of Christ, wrapped in a transparent veil, symbolizes the mystery of the resurrection and the sacred bond between life and death. The veil, which appears almost like a second skin, evokes human fragility and vulnerability in the face of death, but at the same time, its transparency suggests a dimension of hope and life beyond the tomb.

Symbolism of transparency

The veil that covers the statue is a crucial element, since it represents the spirituality and the divinity of Christ, but also his sacrifice for humanity. The transparency of the material used allows us to glimpse the anatomical details of the body, highlighting the humanity of Christ and, at the same time, his divine role. This dualism is central to the message of the Veiled Christ.

Raimondo di Sangro and his thoughts

Raimondo di Sangro, the commissioner of the work, was a man of science and faith, and the Cristiano Velato reflects his vision of the world, in which reason and spirituality coexist. The chapel and the works inside are a manifesto of his philosophy, which combines rational thought with mystical contemplation.

Historical and cultural interpretations

Over the centuries, the Veiled Christian has given rise to numerous interpretations and reflections. For many, it represents the struggle between good and evil, life and death, earth and sky. Scholars continue to debate the exact meaning of this work, making it a symbol of mystery and wonder that continues to fascinate visitors and art critics.

In summary, the Cristiano Velato is not only a masterpiece of sculpture, but a work imbued with profound meaning that invites reflection and contemplation, making it a fundamental element of the artistic and cultural heritage of Naples.

Other works of art in the Sansevero Chapel

The Sansevero Chapel, located in the heart of Naples, is not only famous for its Veiled Christ, but is also a true treasure chest of other works of art of great value and significance. Every corner of the chapel is adorned with sculptures and decorations that tell stories and convey emotions.

The statues of the Virtues

Among the best-known works are the statues of the Virtues, which are found on the sides of the Veiled Christ. These sculptures represent Faith and Charity and are created with great skill by Antonio Corradini, another important sculptor of the time. The statues are characterized by incredible realism and obsessive attention to detail, which highlight the spiritual virtues.

The Disillusionment

Another significant work is Disillusionment, a sculpture that represents a man about to free himself from a veil, symbolizing the search for truth. This sculpture, also by Corradini, reflects the philosophy of Raimondo di Sangro, the prince who commissioned most of the works in the chapel.

The anatomical machines

The chapel also houses the anatomical machines, which are one of a kind. These works, created by Raimondo di Sangro himself, consist of a system of blood vessels and organs in an arrangement that simulates the human body. These machines not only show the prince’s artistic abilities, but also his interest in science and anatomy, reflecting his desire to combine art and knowledge.

Frescoes and decorations

The chapel is also adorned with frescoes and decorations which contribute to creating a mystical and evocative atmosphere. The ceilings and walls feature religious and symbolic scenes, which further enrich the visual experience of visitors.

In summary, the Sansevero Chapel is a true open-air museum, where each work of art tells a story and contributes to forming a complex and fascinating picture of Neapolitan history and culture. Its importance does not lie only in the Veiled Christ, but in all the works which together create a unique and unrepeatable atmosphere.

The family of Raimondo di Sangro

Raimondo di Sangro, prince of Sansevero, was born in 1710 into one of the most noble families of Naples. His family, the Sangros, were known for their influence and power in the region, as well as their support of art and culture. Raimondo, in particular, stood out for his eccentricities and his innovative spirit.

Origins and family context

Raimondo’s family was already well positioned in Neapolitan society. His father, Giovanni Battista di Sangro, was an important nobleman and his grandfather, Giovanni di Sangro, was a famous general. The mother, Maria Carafa, came from an aristocratic family, which further increased the family’s prestige.

Raimondo di Sangro and his life

Raimondo di Sangro was a multifaceted man, known not only for his noble title, but also for his passions for science, art and alchemy. He was a supporter of Enlightenment ideas and dedicated himself to numerous artistic and scientific projects. His curiosity led him to explore the world of visual arts and philosophy, making him a leading figure in the cultural panorama of his time.

The link with the Sansevero Chapel

The Sansevero Chapel, built between 1747 and 1771, is a tribute to the memory of the Sangro family. Raimondo conceived it as a mausoleum for his ancestors and himself, filled with symbolism and artwork that reflects his worldview and beliefs. The chapel thus becomes not only a burial place, but also an expression of his personality and his artistic ambitions.

The role of family members

In addition to Raimondo, other members of the Sangro family also played a role in the history of the chapel. Among them, Francesco di Sangro, Raimondo’s father, and his descendants, who have continued to maintain and enhance the cultural and artistic heritage of the chapel. Each generation has helped preserve the history and beauty of this unique site, making the Sansevero Chapel an enduring symbol of Neapolitan family and culture.

The Legend of the Veiled Christ

The Sansevero Chapel, in addition to its extraordinary artistic beauty, is shrouded in an aura of mystery and legend, in particular regarding the Veiled Christ. According to popular tradition, it is said that the Veiled Christ was created by the master Antonio Corradini to honor the memory of a friend of Prince Raimondo di Sangro >, who apparently died under mysterious circumstances.

The mystery of its creation

Another legend has it that the marble veil covering the figure of Christ was created through a secret alchemical process, practiced by the prince himself, who was known for his interest in occult sciences and alchemy. The veil is said to be so perfect that it appears transparent, giving the impression that the body underneath is visible.

Voices and popular stories

Over the years, numerous stories have developed around the figure of the Veiled Christ: there are those who claim that the veil can be removed, revealing a secret hidden in the body of Christ; others claim that anyone who comes too close to the veil may be struck by a curse. These stories have contributed to making the chapel a place of pilgrimage for many, attracted not only by the beauty of the work, but also by the charm of the mystery that surrounds it.


The legend of the Veiled Christ not only fuels interest in the Sansevero Chapel, but also represents an example of how art can intertwine with popular culture and beliefs. This mix of history, art and myth continues to attract visitors from all over the world, making the chapel a symbol of Naples’ rich cultural heritage.

The cultural and tourist importance

The Sansevero Chapel is one of the most emblematic and fascinating places in Naples, not only for its extraordinary artistic beauty but also for its profound cultural meaning. It represents an important point of reference for tourists, scholars and art enthusiasts.

An artistic heritage of global importance

The chapel is internationally known thanks to priceless works of art, such as the Veiled Christ, which attracts visitors from all over the world. This masterpiece is considered a symbol of Neapolitan artistic ability and the mastery of Giuseppe Sanmartino, its creator. The chapel is therefore a place of pilgrimage for those who wish to admire one of the most famous sculptures in the history of art.

A tourist attraction centre

Every year, the Sansevero Chapel welcomes thousands of visitors, contributing significantly to the tourist economy of Naples. Its strategic position in the city center makes it easily accessible and the presence of specialized tourist guides enriches the visitor experience, providing them with detailed information on the history and works present.

A symbol of cultural identity

The chapel is not only a tourist attraction, but also a symbol of Neapolitan cultural identity. It reflects the history of the family of Raimondo di Sangro, an important exponent of the nobility and an innovator in the fields of science and art. The chapel is an example of how culture and art can intertwine, creating a place of great historical and social significance.

Initiatives for cultural valorization

To preserve and enhance the heritage of the Sansevero Chapel, events, exhibitions and cultural initiatives are regularly organised. These events not only attract visitors, but also help raise awareness of the importance of preserving works of art and local history.

In conclusion, the Sansevero Chapel represents a point of reference not only for art, but also for the culture and identity of Naples, making it an essential place for those visiting the city.

Practical information for visitors

Opening hours

The Sansevero Chapel is open to the public every day, with opening hours that may vary depending on the season. Generally, it is open from 9:00 to 19:00. It is advisable to check the updated timetables on the official website before planning your visit.

Tickets and costs

The entrance ticket costs 10 euros for adults, with reductions for students and groups. You can purchase tickets online to avoid long queues at the entrance.


The Chapel is also accessible to visitors with disabilities. Specially designed ramps and paths are available to ensure an experience that can be enjoyed by all.

Guided tours

For a deeper understanding of the works and history of the chapel, guided tours are available. These can be booked directly at the chapel or through local tourist agencies.

Rules of conduct

It is important to respect some rules of behavior during the visit, such as not touching the works, keeping a low tone of voice and not using photographic flashes. This helps preserve the integrity of the works of art and ensure an atmosphere of respect.

How to get there

The Sansevero Chapel is located in the center of Naples, easily reachable by public transport. The closest metro stops are Toledo and University, while several bus lines stop nearby. It is also possible to arrive on foot if you are staying in the historic center.


Inside the chapel there are services available such as toilets and a small souvenir shop where it is possible to purchase books and objects related to the history of the chapel and the works of art.

Events and initiatives in the Sansevero Chapel

The Sansevero Chapel is not only a place of great historical and artistic interest, but also a vibrant cultural center that hosts events and initiatives throughout the year. These events are designed to engage the public and deepen their understanding of the chapel’s artwork and history.

Thematic guided tours

The chapel offers thematic guided tours that focus on different aspects of its history and works. The visits are conducted by expert art historians and tourist guides, who provide insights into the Veiled Christ, the figure of Raimondo di Sangro and the artistic techniques used.

Cultural events

Throughout the year, the Sansevero Chapel hosts cultural events such as conferences, concerts and temporary exhibitions that explore the history of Neapolitan art and the city’s cultural heritage. These events are often organized in collaboration with local and national cultural institutions.

Activities for schools

The chapel also promotes educational activities for schools, with specific programs for students of different ages. These programs are designed to raise awareness among young people of artistic and cultural heritage, encouraging their curiosity and interest in art.

Artistic collaborations

The Sansevero Chapel is open to artistic collaborations and initiatives that aim to enhance and promote contemporary culture and art. These collaborations may include exhibitions by modern artists who are inspired by the works in the chapel.

Information for participating

To participate in events and initiatives, visitors can consult the official website of the Sansevero Chapel, where updates on upcoming events, times and methods of participation are published. It is advisable to book in advance, especially for special events which may have limited places.