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Discover the recipe for Cannavacciuolo's Neapolitan pastiera: a culinary journey to Naples!

The Neapolitan pastiera is much more than a simple dessert: it is a symbol of tradition, culture and celebration that embodies the scent and colors of Neapolitan Easter. Every bite of this delicacy conveys a story that has its roots in the Neapolitan countryside, where fresh and genuine ingredients blend in a perfect balance. In this article, we will embark on a culinary journey to discover the recipe for Neapolitan pastiera, reinterpreted by the famous chef Antonino Cannavacciuolo, who with his talent has been able to enhance Italian culinary traditions.

We will start by exploring the origins of the pastiera, a dessert that has become a true emblem of Neapolitan gastronomy, and then discover who Antonino Cannavacciuolo is, a master of Italian cuisine. With his passion and creativity, Cannavacciuolo has reinterpreted the traditional recipe, keeping the authentic flavors and soul of the dish intact.

We will then delve into the essential ingredients that make up the pastiera, to understand how each element contributes to creating a harmony of tastes. From the preparation of the shortcrust pastry to the rich and fragrant filling, we will follow the process of making the pastiera step by step, up to the assembly and perfect cooking. There will be no shortage of secrets revealed by Cannavacciuolo himself, useful for obtaining a master result.

Finally, we will discover how to serve pastiera following local traditions and where to taste the best pastiera in Naples, for an unforgettable culinary experience. Prepare to be conquered by the flavors and beauty of Neapolitan cuisine!

The history of the Neapolitan pastiera

Origins and tradition

The Neapolitan pastiera is one of the most famous and traditional desserts of Neapolitan pastry making. Its origins date back to the era of Spanish domination, when it was prepared during the Easter holidays. It is said that the pastiera was created by the nuns of the convent of San Gregorio Armeno, who mixed the typical products of the region, such as wheat, eggs and ricotta, to create a dessert that symbolized the rebirth and fertility of spring.

The Neapolitan pastiera is a complex dessert, which requires time and patience in preparation, but the final result is a riot of flavors and aromas that conquers the palate of anyone who tastes it.

Curiosity: The Neapolitan pastiera has become so famous that it was recognized as a traditional Italian agri-food product in 2015.

Who is Antonino Cannavacciuolo

Antonino Cannavacciuolo is a highly renowned Italian starred chef, born in Vico Equense, in the province of Naples, in 1975. He is one of the best-known faces of Italian cuisine and has obtained numerous awards during his career. Cannavacciuolo is known for his participation as a judge on television cooking programs and for the management of renowned restaurants, including the famous "Villa Crespi" on Lake Orta. His cuisine is characterized by the use of high quality ingredients and great attention to the presentation of the dishes.

Antonino Cannavacciuolo has a great passion for the Neapolitan culinary tradition and has contributed to enhancing the typical dishes of his region, including the famous Neapolitan pastiera. His skill and creativity in the kitchen have made him one of the most appreciated and loved chefs in Italy and abroad.

The essential ingredients

For the shortcrust pastry:

The ingredients needed to prepare the Neapolitan pastiera shortcrust pastry are flour, butter, sugar, eggs and grated lemon zest. The shortcrust pastry must be worked with care to obtain a soft but at the same time crunchy consistency once cooked.

For the filling:

The main ingredients for the pastiera filling are cooked wheat, milk, sugar, fresh ricotta, eggs, grated orange and lemon zest, orange blossom and cinnamon. This aromatic and flavor-rich cream is the heart of the Neapolitan pastiera and must be prepared with care to obtain a creamy and tasty consistency.

The choice of high quality ingredients is essential to obtain an authentic and tasty pastiera. Tradition dictates that the Neapolitan pastiera is prepared with fresh and genuine ingredients, which enhance the typical flavors and aromas of Neapolitan cuisine.

The Neapolitan pastiera is a traditional Easter dessert, a symbol of rebirth and fertility, and its preparation requires time, patience and love for tradition. By following the recipe to the letter and using high quality ingredients, it is possible to obtain an authentic and delicious pastiera, capable of conquering even the most demanding palates.

The preparation of the shortcrust pastry

Ingredients needed:

For the shortcrust pastry:

- 300g of 00 flour

- 150g of butter

- 100g of sugar

- 1 egg

- Grated lemon zest


1. In a bowl, mix the flour with the sugar and add the cold butter cut into cubes.

2. Work the ingredients with your hands until you obtain a sandy mixture.

3. Add the egg and the grated lemon zest and knead until you obtain a smooth dough.

4. Wrap the shortcrust pastry in cling film and leave it to rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

Shortcrust pastry is a fundamental element for the preparation of Neapolitan pastiera. It must be worked with care and left to rest in the refrigerator to guarantee the right consistency and fragrance to the dessert. By carefully following this procedure, you will obtain a perfect base for the pastiera, which will then be completed with the filling made from ricotta, cooked wheat, sugar and flavourings.

Preparing the filling

The essential ingredients

The filling of the Neapolitan pastiera is made up of simple but high quality ingredients, which together create a unique and unforgettable mix of flavours. Here are the essential ingredients to prepare the filling:

  • Cooked wheat: Cooked wheat is a fundamental ingredient for the Neapolitan pastiera, giving the dessert a creamy consistency and a characteristic flavour.
  • Fresh ricotta: Fresh ricotta is the main ingredient of the filling, giving softness and creaminess to the pastiera.
  • Sugar: The sweetener par excellence that gives the right balance of sweetness to the filling.
  • Eggs: Eggs are used to bind the ingredients and give consistency to the filling.
  • Orange and lemon zest: The grated orange and lemon zest adds freshness and aroma to the pastiera filling.
  • Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a fundamental spice for the characteristic flavor of Neapolitan pastiera.
  • Vanilla: Vanilla gives a delicate and irresistible scent to the filling.

Once you have all the ingredients available, you can proceed with the preparation of the filling, mixing all the ingredients carefully until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous cream. Make sure you respect the doses and proportions of the ingredients to guarantee the success of your Neapolitan pastiera.

Assembling the pastiera

A fundamental phase for a perfect pastiera

After preparing the shortcrust pastry and the filling, the last step to create the delicious Neapolitan pastiera is assembly. This phase is very important to guarantee a well-made and tasty pastiera.

To assemble the pastiera, start by rolling out half the shortcrust pastry in a previously buttered and floured baking tray. Make sure the bottom and edges are evenly covered. Then pour the filling onto the shortcrust pastry base, making sure to distribute it evenly.

Next, cover the filling with remaining strips of shortcrust pastry, forming a grid on the surface of the pastiera. This technique allows the filling to cook evenly and to release the aromas of its ingredients during cooking.

Once assembly is complete, it is important to seal the edges of the shortcrust pastry well to prevent the filling from escaping during cooking. This step will ensure that the pastiera retains its shape during cooking and that it is beautiful and inviting to present at the table.

Finally, before putting the pastiera in the oven, it is advisable to brush the surface with a little milk to make it golden and crunchy during cooking. Once the pastiera has been cooked and cooled, it will be ready to be tasted and appreciated by all the guests.

The perfect cooking

Time and temperature

Cooking the Neapolitan pastiera is a fundamental step to obtain a perfect result. The ideal temperature for cooking pastiera is around 180°C, in a static oven, for around 1 and a half hours. It is important to check the cooking by inserting a toothpick in the center of the pastiera: if it comes out clean, the pastiera is ready.

The right container

To cook the pastiera it is advisable to use a round baking tray with high edges, to prevent the filling from spilling out during cooking. Furthermore, it is important to butter and flour the pan before pouring the dough, so as to prevent the pastiera from sticking during cooking.

The gilding

To obtain perfect browning of the pastiera, you can brush the surface with a little milk before baking. Alternatively, you can use a beaten egg to obtain a more intense and brilliant browning. During cooking, it is advisable to check the surface of the pastiera: if it starts to brown too quickly, you can cover it with aluminum foil to prevent it from burning.

The secrets of Cannavacciuolo

Antonino Cannavacciuolo

Antonino Cannavacciuolo is a Neapolitan starred chef, famous for his mastery in the kitchen and his passion for the Neapolitan culinary tradition. His experience and creativity have made him one of the best Italian chefs, with numerous awards and successful television programs.

The secrets of the Cannavacciuolo pastiera

Antonino Cannavacciuolo revealed some of his secrets for a perfect pastiera. One of the fundamental ingredients is sheep's ricotta, which gives the pastiera a unique and rich flavour. Furthermore, Cannavacciuolo recommends using grated lemon zest and real vanilla for an intense and enveloping aroma.

Another secret of Cannavacciuolo is the preparation of the shortcrust pastry, which must be worked with care and precision to obtain a crunchy and crumbly consistency. Finally, assembling the pastiera requires attention to detail and a steady hand to obtain a perfect cake in every layer.

Cannavacciuolo also suggests cooking the pastiera at a low temperature for a longer time, in order to obtain uniform cooking and a perfect golden colour. This allows the aromas to blend and develop fully, giving the pastiera an authentic and unmistakable flavour.

In conclusion, following the advice and secrets of Antonino Cannavacciuolo is the best way to enjoy a traditional and delicious Neapolitan pastiera, prepared with care and passion.

Serving pastiera: traditions and advice


The Neapolitan pastiera is a traditional dessert that is eaten during Easter. In particular, it is the sweet prince of the Neapolitan table during Holy Week, and its preparation is a moment of sharing and celebration for families.

According to tradition, pastiera should be served cold and cut into squares. It is dusted with icing sugar before being brought to the table. Some prefer to add a sprinkling of cinnamon to enhance the flavor of the cream and candied fruit.


To best enjoy the Neapolitan pastiera, it is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours before consuming it. In this way the flavors will have time to blend and the consistency will become compact, guaranteeing a better tasting experience.

The pastiera keeps well in the refrigerator for a few days, but it is advisable to consume it within a week of its preparation to ensure that it keeps its fragrance and goodness intact.

To best serve it, it is advisable to accompany each square of pastiera with a cup of Neapolitan coffee or a glass of sweet wine, to enhance the flavors and make the experience even more pleasant.

Always remember that the Neapolitan pastiera is a dessert to be enjoyed calmly and in company, to better appreciate its goodness and the tradition it represents.