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Wines of Naples and Campania: a dive into the world of Neapolitan wine - A journey through the best vineyards of the Campania region

The art of winemaking in Campania is a cultural heritage that has its roots in centuries of history, tradition and passion, making this region one of the most fascinating destinations for wine lovers. From the enchanting coast of Naples to the lush hills of Irpinia, the Campania landscape is dotted with vineyards that produce wines of extraordinary quality, an authentic expression of the territory and its peculiarities. In this article, we aim to embark on a journey through the best vineyards of Campania, exploring the unique characteristics of local wines and the stories that accompany them.

We will start from the fascinating history and tradition of wine in Campania, a story that spans millennia and which has seen the region become a crossroads of cultures and influences. We will continue with a focus on the native vines, which represent the true soul of this land, and then delve into the specificities of some of the most famous wines, such as Greco di Tufo and Taurasi, which embody the excellence of Campania wine production. There will be no lack of particular attention to Falanghina and Fiano di Avellino, two white wines that have earned a place of honor on tables around the world.

Furthermore, we will explore the fascinating historic cellars of Naples and its surroundings, true temples of wine, and we will discover the events and wine festivals that animate the region, offering unmissable opportunities for tastings and meetings with producers. Finally, we will suggest wine tourism itineraries that will allow visitors to discover the beauty of the vineyards and cellars up close, making each stop a memorable experience. Get ready for a dive into the world of Neapolitan wine, where every sip tells a story and every bottle contains a piece of Campania.

History and tradition of wine in Campania

Ancient origins and contemporary rebirth

The history of wine in Campania dates back to ancient times, with traces of vine cultivation dating back to the time of the ancient Romans. The region boasts a thousand-year-old winemaking tradition, which has been passed down from generation to generation up to the present day. However, it is only in recent decades that Campania wines have obtained the international recognition they deserve, thanks to the passionate work of winemakers and producers who have invested in the valorization of native varieties and traditional winemaking techniques.

Campania is one of the most important wine regions in Italy, thanks to its variety of terroirs and the presence of native vines that are unique in the world. Campania wines are known for their elegance, complexity and distinctive character, which reflect the volcanic territory and the millenary winemaking tradition of the region.

The rebirth of Campania wine has been driven by native varieties such as Greco, Fiano, Falanghina and Aglianico, which have conquered the palates of connoisseurs from all over the world. Thanks to their versatility and ability to best express the territory of origin, these vines have contributed to making Campania a first-rate wine tourism destination.

Campanian wine embodies the essence of the culture and tradition of the region, offering a sensorial journey through the flavors and aromas of an area rich in history and passion for viticulture.

Native vines of the region

Campania is a region rich in native vines that have contributed to the production of some of the finest wines in Italy. Among the main native vines of the region we find:


The most famous grape variety in Campania, Aglianico, is grown mainly in the Taurasi area and produces red wines of great structure and complexity. Also known as the "Barolo of the South", Aglianico is considered the king of Campania reds.


Greco is a white grape variety grown mainly in the Tufo area, in the province of Avellino. It is used for the production of Greco di Tufo, an aromatic and fresh white wine, considered among the excellences of Irpinian viticulture.


Falanghina is another native white grape variety of Campania, cultivated mainly in the Campi Flegrei area and the Sorrento coast. It produces fresh and aromatic white wines, perfect for pairing with fish and seafood dishes.


Fiano is another native white grape variety of Campania, mainly grown in the Avellino area. It produces elegant and complex white wines, with notes of ripe fruit and white flowers. Fiano di Avellino is considered one of the best Italian white wines.


Piedirosso is an indigenous vine grown mainly in the Vesuvius area. It is used for the production of Lacryma Christi, a red wine with a unique and enveloping character, which tells the story and winemaking tradition of the region.

These are just some of the native vines of Campania that contribute to the production of high quality and highly complex wines, which best represent the territory and the winemaking tradition of the region.

The Greco di Tufo: the excellence of Irpinia

History and tradition of wine in Campania

Greco di Tufo is one of the most renowned white wines of the Campania region and represents an Irpinian excellence in the Italian wine scene. Its history has its roots in antiquity, when the Greeks introduced the cultivation of vines and the production of wine to Campania. Greco di Tufo takes its name from the municipality of Tufo, located in the province of Avellino, where the vine found its ideal habitat.

Greco di Tufo is a dry white wine, straw yellow in color with greenish reflections. On the nose it is characterized by intense and complex aromas, ranging from floral notes to hints of exotic fruit and citrus fruits. In the mouth it is fresh, savory and persistent, with a pleasant minerality that derives from the volcanic terroir of the production area.

The Greco di Tufo vine is grown mainly in the Irpinia hills, at an altitude that varies between 400 and 600 meters above sea level. The calcareous and volcanic soil gives the wine a marked minerality and good acidity, which guarantee longevity and aromatic complexity. The Greco di Tufo DOCG is one of the most prestigious denominations in the Campania region and represents a true symbol of Irpinia oenology.

Greco di Tufo pairs perfectly with fish and shellfish dishes, but can also be enjoyed alone, as an aperitif or paired with fresh cheeses and cured meats. It is a versatile wine suitable for different occasions, which stands out for its elegance and finesse. Thanks to its structure and complexity, Greco di Tufo is appreciated both in Italy and abroad and represents an oenological excellence not to be missed during a trip to Campania.

Taurasi: the king of Campania reds

Taurasi is one of the most renowned and appreciated red wines of the Campania region, considered the king of Campania reds for its quality and prestige. This wine is produced in the area of ​​the municipality of Taurasi, in the province of Avellino, and is obtained mainly from the Aglianico grape, an indigenous vine of the region.

Aglianico is an ancient and highly prized vine, which manages to best express the characteristics of the Campania region, giving Taurasi an intense colour, a complex aroma and a full-bodied and persistent flavour. The vinification of Taurasi involves a long period of aging in wooden barrels, which helps to give the wine a unique structure and complexity.

Taurasi is an elegant and refined wine, suitable for pairing with red meat dishes, game and mature cheeses. Thanks to its structure and balance, it is also perfect to be enjoyed alone, perhaps in the company of friends and during a special evening.

The Taurasi production area, in the heart of Irpinia, is characterized by a climate favorable to the cultivation of Aglianico and by soils rich in minerals, which give the wine a unique and unmistakable personality. The wineries that produce Taurasi are often family-run and have passed down their knowledge and passion for viticulture for generations.

Taurasi is a wine that has obtained numerous national and international awards, confirming its excellence and prestige in the Italian wine scene. Anyone who visits Campania cannot miss the opportunity to taste Taurasi, savoring a piece of history and winemaking tradition of the region.

Falanghina: the versatile white

Origins and characteristics

Falanghina is an indigenous vine of Campania, particularly widespread in the coastal area between Naples and Benevento. Its history dates back to ancient times, it was cultivated by the Romans and Greeks who appreciated it for its versatility and freshness. Falanghina is a white wine that stands out for its fruity and floral aroma, with notes of peach, apple and white flowers. In the mouth it is fresh, mineral and persistent, with a balance between acidity and softness that makes it suitable for different occasions.

Production areas

Falanghina is mainly cultivated in the provinces of Avellino, Benevento and Caserta, where the Mediterranean climate and the presence of volcanic soils favor its growth. The hilly and coastal areas offer optimal conditions for the ripening of the grapes, which are then vinified in white to preserve their freshness and aromatic complexity.

Pairings and tastings

Falanghina is a perfect wine to be enjoyed in company, perhaps accompanied by fish dishes, shellfish, fresh cheeses and vegetable-based first courses. Its versatility also makes it suitable as an aperitif or to sip during a hot summer day. The cellars of Campania offer different versions of Falanghina, from the freshest and youngest ones to the more complex and structured ones, which can be appreciated even after a few years of aging in the bottle.

In conclusion, Falanghina represents an enological excellence of Campania, a versatile white wine with great personality that tells the story and winemaking tradition of this fascinating region.

Fiano di Avellino: elegance and finesse

Fiano di Avellino is one of the most renowned and appreciated white wines of Campania. Produced mainly in the Avellino Mountains area, this wine is considered an oenological excellence of the region, thanks to its elegance and finesse.

Fiano di Avellino is a dry white wine, obtained 100% from the native Fiano grape. This vine has ancient origins and is cultivated mainly in the areas of Avellino, where the volcanic soil gives the wine unique and distinctive characteristics.

Fiano di Avellino has a straw yellow color with golden reflections and releases intense and complex aromas, reminiscent of white flowers, ripe fruit and mineral notes. In the mouth it is balanced, fresh, savory and persistent, with a pleasant note of bitter almond in the aftertaste.

This wine is perfect to pair with fish dishes, shellfish, fresh cheeses and vegetable-based first courses. Thanks to its structure and complexity, Fiano di Avellino also lends itself to aging in the bottle, offering ever new emotions as the years pass.

The cellars of the Avellino area are renowned for the production of this fine wine, where tradition and innovation come together to create high quality labels. Numerous wine events and festivals in Campania showcase Fiano di Avellino, celebrating its unique characteristics and inviting enthusiasts to taste and discover this wine jewel.

For those who want to live an unforgettable wine tourism experience, we recommend setting off to discover the vineyards of Fiano di Avellino, visiting the historic cellars of the area and taking part in guided tastings of this extraordinary wine. A food and wine itinerary in search of the elegance and finesse of Fiano di Avellino will lead you to discover the wine treasures of Campania, enriching your journey with authentic flavors and unforgettable emotions.

The wines of Vesuvius: Lacryma Christi

History and tradition of Vesuvius wine

Wine production on the slopes of Vesuvius dates back to ancient times, when the Romans cultivated vines on the fertile volcanic lands. The name "Lacryma Christi" derives from a legend according to which the wine was poured by Christ himself and the tears that fall on the earth would become the vineyards. This area is considered one of the most important in Campania for the production of quality wine.

Characteristics of Vesuvius wines

The wines of Vesuvius, in particular the Lacryma Christi, are known for their complexity and structure. These are intense and full-bodied red wines, but also fresh and aromatic whites. The grapes used for the production of these wines are mainly Piedirosso and Coda di Volpe, which give them a unique and recognizable character.

The cellars of Vesuvius

The Vesuvius area is full of historic wineries that produce high quality wines. Among the most famous are the Mastroberardino, Feudi di San Gregorio and Villa Dora wineries, which offer guided tours and tastings to introduce the public to the winemaking tradition of this unique area.

Events related to Vesuvius wine

Every year numerous events related to Vesuvius wine are held, such as tastings, food and wine festivals and cellar tours. Among the most famous is the "Vesuvio Wine Festival", which is held every summer and offers the opportunity to taste the best wines of the area accompanied by typical dishes of Neapolitan cuisine.

Recommended wine tourism itineraries

For those who wish to discover the beauty of the wines of Vesuvius, it is possible to follow various wine tourism itineraries that allow you to visit the most prestigious wineries in the area and taste their wines. A recommended route is the one that leads to the discovery of the cellars along the Vesuvius Wine Route, which offers breathtaking views of the Gulf of Naples and the imposing volcano.

The historic cellars of Naples and its surroundings

Historical Cellars in Naples

Naples is a city rich in history and tradition also in the wine sector. Numerous historic cellars are located in the historic center of the city, offering visitors the opportunity to taste fine wines in evocative and charming environments. Among the most renowned wineries in Naples are La Sibilla, a winery located in the heart of the Quartieri Spagnoli district and which produces fine wines with native vines of the region, and the Cantina del Vesuvio, located at the foot of the Vesuvius volcano and specialized in production of the famous Lacryma Christi.

Historical Cellars near Naples

In the surroundings of Naples, particularly in the Campi Flegrei area and the Amalfi Coast, you can visit numerous historic wineries that produce high quality wines. Among the most famous wineries in the area are Tenuta San Francesco, which produces fine wines with native vines such as Falanghina and Piedirosso, and Tenuta Ponte, which is located on the hills of Sorrento and which specializes in the production of the famous Greco di Tuff.

In these historic cellars you can participate in guided tastings, visits to the vineyards and vineyards, and discover the history and winemaking tradition of the region. Visitors can also purchase wines directly in the cellar, bringing home a piece of Campania history and tradition.

The historic cellars of Naples and its surroundings represent a true food and wine treasure to discover during a trip to Campania, offering visitors a unique and unforgettable experience in the world of wine.

Wine Events and Festivals in Campania


The Campania region is renowned for the production of high quality wines and, consequently, hosts numerous events related to the world of wine. Among the most important wine events in the region are the "Campania Stories" in Naples, an initiative that involves local producers of fine wines, and the "Vinalia" in Avellino, an event that celebrates the wines of Irpinia.

Wine Festival

Wine festivals are a unique opportunity to discover the food and wine treasures of Campania and to immerse yourself in the wine culture of the region. Among the most famous festivals is the "Wine Festival" in Sorrento, which offers guided tastings and meetings with industry experts. Another event not to be missed is the "Falanghina Festival" in Benevento, where it is possible to taste the best labels of this Campania white wine.

Participating in a wine festival in Campania is an unforgettable experience that allows visitors to savor the authentic flavors of the area and discover the passion and dedication of local producers.