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Discover the specialties of the Napoli Pizza Village: from the classic margherita to ragù and Luciana-style octopus

The Napoli Pizza Village is an unmissable event for all lovers of Neapolitan gastronomy and culture, a true tribute to pizza, the undisputed symbol of the Neapolitan culinary tradition. Every year, this festival welcomes thousands of visitors from all over the world, eager to immerse themselves in a unique sensorial experience, where the scents, colors and flavors of Neapolitan pizza blend in perfect harmony. Located in one of the most evocative settings of Naples, the Napoli Pizza Village is not only an opportunity to savor the specialties of local cuisine, but also a moment of celebration of conviviality and passion for food.

In this article, we will explore the ten specialties that make Napoli Pizza Village a special event, each of which tells a story and represents a piece of Neapolitan gastronomic culture. We will start with the classic margherita, a must for every visitor, and we will continue with the more intriguing variations, such as the four cheese pizza and the marinara, which highlight the simplicity and freshness of the ingredients. We will also discover more elaborate dishes, such as pizza with meat sauce and pizza with Luciana-style octopus, which reflect the rich culinary tradition of Naples.

Each specialty we will present is prepared with high quality ingredients and meticulous attention to tradition, making every bite an unforgettable experience. We will conclude our journey through flavors with a sweet indulgence: Nutella pizza, which will surprise even the most demanding palates. Get ready to discover the heart of Neapolitan pizza and be conquered by a world of authentic flavors and centuries-old traditions.

The Classic Margherita


The Margherita pizza is one of the most iconic dishes of Neapolitan and Italian cuisine. It takes its name from Queen Margherita of Savoy, who tasted this delicacy in 1889 and was so enthusiastic about it that she made it famous throughout the world. The Margherita pizza is characterized by a tomato base, DOP buffalo mozzarella, fresh basil and extra virgin olive oil. Its simplicity and the perfect balance between the ingredients make it a true delight for the palate.


The history of Margherita pizza has ancient roots, but it was in the 19th century that this dish acquired the form we know today. The pizza chef Raffaele Esposito, on the occasion of the visit of Queen Margherita of Savoy to Naples, created this pizza taking inspiration from the colors of the Italian flag: the red of the tomato, the white of the mozzarella and the green of the basil. Since then, the Margherita pizza has become a symbol of the Neapolitan culinary tradition.


Margherita pizza is so popular that September 19th was declared by the city of Naples as Margherita pizza day. Furthermore, in 2009 it was included in the list of traditional Italian agri-food products (PAT) by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies. So, if you want to savor a piece of Italian culinary history and tradition, you can't miss the Margherita pizza during your visit to Naples.

Four Cheese Pizza


Four cheese pizza is one of the most loved and appreciated pizzas in the world. Its goodness comes from the combination of four types of cheese that blend together to create a unique and irresistible mix of flavors. The cheeses typically used for this pizza are mozzarella, gorgonzola, parmesan and taleggio, but there are many variations that involve the use of local or particular cheeses.


Four cheese pizza has ancient origins and its roots are lost in the Italian culinary tradition. The combination of cheeses on the pizza was a natural choice to enrich the dish with the creaminess and richness of the melted cheese. Today the four cheese pizza is present in many menus of Italian and foreign pizzerias and restaurants, confirming itself as one of the most appreciated pizzas by the public.

How it is prepared

To prepare the four cheese pizza you need to roll out the pizza dough base and cover it with a generous amount of mozzarella. Subsequently, the chosen cheeses are added in pieces or slices, distributing them evenly on the surface of the pizza. Finally, bake the pizza in a hot oven until the cheeses have melted and the base is crispy and golden. Four cheese pizza is generally served hot, to best enjoy the unmistakable flavor and creaminess of the cheeses.

Marinara: The Simplicity of Tomato


Marinara is one of the simplest and most traditional pizzas of Neapolitan cuisine. Its preparation involves the use of a few high quality ingredients, including tomato, garlic, oregano, extra virgin olive oil and salt. Its simplicity is what makes it a dish so loved and appreciated by all pizza lovers.


Marinara has ancient origins and has its roots in the history of Neapolitan fishermen. It is said that the sailors, returning home after long days at sea, prepared this pizza using the ingredients they had available on board their boats. The result was a pizza with an authentic and genuine flavour, which over time has become a symbol of the Neapolitan culinary tradition.


Marinara is characterized by its thin and crunchy base, which is enriched with a simple but tasty dressing based on fresh tomatoes, garlic and oregano. The extra virgin olive oil gives the pizza a rich and enveloping flavour, which goes perfectly with the salt which enhances all the ingredients. Marinara is the ideal choice for those who love the genuine and authentic flavors of the Neapolitan tradition.

Don't miss the opportunity to taste Marinara during your visit to Naples, to discover the true taste of Neapolitan pizza!

Pizza with Ragù


Pizza al Ragù is one of the most loved and traditional pizzas of Neapolitan cuisine. The base of the pizza is made of a soft and fragrant dough, topped with a generous layer of meat sauce. The ragù is prepared with minced beef or pork, slowly cooked with tomato, onion, carrot, celery and herbs such as basil and black pepper. This combination of flavors creates a rich and tasty topping, which goes perfectly with the crunchy base of the pizza.


Pizza al Ragù has ancient origins and dates back to the peasant tradition of the 19th century. At that time, Neapolitan farmers used ragù as a topping for pizza, as it represented an economical way to enrich the dish with proteins and nutrients. Over time, Pizza al Ragù has become one of the most popular variations of Neapolitan pizza and has conquered the palates of numerous gastronomy enthusiasts.

Ways of Consumption

Pizza al Ragù is ideal to be enjoyed hot and freshly baked, in order to better appreciate its flavors and consistency. It is perfect as a main course in an informal lunch or dinner, perhaps accompanied by a craft beer or a glass of red wine. The combination of meat and tomato makes this pizza particularly satisfying and suitable for those who love rich and tasty dishes.

Finally, Pizza with Ragù can be customized by adding extra ingredients such as mozzarella, olives, mushrooms or peppers, depending on personal tastes. This versatility makes pizza with meat sauce a dish appreciated by adults and children alike, who cannot resist its mix of authentic and genuine flavours.

Pizza with Octopus Luciana style


Pizza with Octopus Luciana style is a typical dish of the Neapolitan gastronomic tradition. This pizza is characterized by the inclusion of octopus, a mollusk with a delicate and delicious flavour, enriched with the typical Luciana sauce, composed of tomato, garlic, chilli pepper and parsley.


The main ingredients to prepare Luciana-style Pizza with Octopus are: fresh octopus, tomato, garlic, chilli pepper, parsley, extra virgin olive oil and salt. The base of the pizza is the traditional one, made up of flour, yeast, water and salt.


To prepare Luciana-style Pizza with Octopus, first you need to clean and boil the octopus, cutting it into pieces. Brown the garlic and chilli pepper in a pan with extra virgin olive oil, then add the octopus and cook for about 30 minutes. At this point, add the tomato and leave to cook for another 20 minutes. Finally, add the chopped parsley and leave to flavor for a few minutes.

The pizza base is rolled out and seasoned with the previously prepared Luciana sauce, adding the cooked octopus. The pizza is baked at a high temperature for about 10-15 minutes, until it is golden brown and crunchy. Once baked, the Luciana-style Pizza with Octopus is ready to be enjoyed hot and fragrant.

This pizza represents a perfect combination of Neapolitan culinary tradition and the delicacy of octopus, offering a unique and unforgettable tasting experience.

Pizza with Sausage and Friarielli


Pizza with sausage and broccoli is a typical dish of the Neapolitan tradition. This pizza is made with a leavened dough base, topped with tomato, buffalo mozzarella, sausage and broccoli. The sausage used is typically Neapolitan, aromatic and tasty, while broccoli is a type of vegetable similar to broccoli, with a slightly bitter flavour.


The origins of this pizza date back to the Neapolitan peasant tradition, where sausage and broccoli were common and easily available ingredients. The combination of these two ingredients has made this pizza a dish rich in flavors and traditions, much loved by Neapolitans and beyond.

Variants and curiosities

This pizza may have some variations depending on the area in which it is prepared. For example, in some places they also add grated pecorino or parmesan cheese to the surface of the pizza, for an extra touch of flavor. Other variations may include the addition of chilli pepper to make the dish spicier.

The sausage and broccoli can be prepared in different ways: the sausage can be raw or cooked, chopped or crumbled, while the broccoli can be sautéed in a pan with garlic and oil or boiled before being put on the pizza.

This pizza is perfect to enjoy hot and freshly baked, perhaps accompanied by a beer or a glass of red wine. It is a dish that combines peasant tradition with the creativity and taste of Neapolitan cuisine, and which cannot be missed during a visit to Naples.

Pizza with buffalo mozzarella


Pizza with buffalo mozzarella is one of the most loved and appreciated pizzas by Neapolitans and beyond. This gastronomic delicacy is characterized by the presence of buffalo mozzarella, a fresh and creamy cheese that comes from buffalo milk.


The main ingredients of this pizza are buffalo mozzarella, fresh tomato, extra virgin olive oil and basil. The base is made up of a mixture of flour, water, yeast and salt, which is rolled out and seasoned with the ingredients listed above.


Pizza with buffalo mozzarella is prepared following the traditional Neapolitan technique. After having rolled out and seasoned the base, the pizza is baked at very high temperatures for a few minutes, in order to guarantee perfect cooking and inimitable crunchiness. Once out of the oven, it is completed with fresh basil leaves and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.


The buffalo mozzarella used for this pizza is a DOP cheese, or Protected Designation of Origin, which guarantees the origin and quality of the product. Its creamy consistency and delicate flavor combine perfectly with fresh tomatoes and extra virgin olive oil, creating a unique and unforgettable mix of flavours.

Pizza with Shrimps and Courgettes


The Pizza with Shrimps and Courgettes is a delicious variant of the classic Neapolitan pizza that combines flavors of the sea and the land in an irresistible mix. This pizza is characterized by a soft and fragrant dough, enriched with fresh prawns and julienned courgettes. The combination of these ingredients creates a contrast of textures and flavors that conquers the palate of anyone who tastes it.


The main ingredients to prepare Pizza with Shrimps and Courgettes are:

- Fresh shrimp

- Courgettes

- Mozzarella

- Tomato

- Extra virgin olive oil

- Salt and pepper

How it is prepared

To prepare the Pizza with Shrimps and Courgettes, start by rolling out the dough and spreading it with tomato sauce. Then add the diced mozzarella, the cleaned shrimp and the finely chopped courgettes. Finally, it is seasoned with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper and baked until the pizza is golden and crunchy.

Recommended pairings

This pizza pairs perfectly with a glass of chilled white wine or a light, pale beer. Furthermore, it can be accompanied by a fresh mixed salad for a complete and balanced meal.

Pizza with Shrimps and Courgettes is an ideal choice for those who love to experiment with new and original flavours, without giving up the tradition and authenticity of Neapolitan cuisine. Try it during your visit to Naples and let yourself be won over by its unique and irresistible flavours!

Vegetarian Pizza


Vegetarian Pizza is a delicious option for those following a meat-free diet. This pizza is made from a base of fresh tomato and buffalo mozzarella, enriched with a variety of colorful and tasty vegetables. Vegetables typically used to make a vegetarian pizza include tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, and onions. This combination of fresh and tasty ingredients makes Vegetarian Pizza a light and healthy choice, perfect for those who want to enjoy a guilt-free pizza.


Vegetarian Pizza has ancient roots in the Italian culinary tradition. During the summer season, when vegetables are abundant and fresh, Neapolitan pizza chefs began to prepare a version of pizza without meat, using exclusively seasonal vegetables as toppings. This practice has spread over time, becoming one of the most loved and appreciated variations of traditional pizza.


Vegetarian Pizza can be customized according to individual preferences. Some popular variations include adding black olives, artichokes, chili peppers, or even cheeses like feta or gorgonzola. These variations add additional flavor and complexity to the pizza, creating a unique and satisfying culinary experience for the most demanding palates.

Tips for tasting

To best enjoy a Vegetarian Pizza, we recommend pairing it with a light and fruity wine, such as a Pinot Grigio or a Rosé. These fresh and aromatic wines marry perfectly with the vegetal and fresh notes of the pizza, creating a harmonious balance of flavors. Furthermore, we recommend enjoying the Vegetarian Pizza freshly baked, in order to better appreciate the crunchiness of the base and the freshness of the vegetables.