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Discover the tradition of pizza in Naples: from Michele to Forcella, it measures 38 centimetres!

Naples, the city of the sun and the sea, is also the home of one of the most loved and well-known gastronomic symbols in the world: pizza. Discovering the tradition of pizza in Naples means immersing yourself in a history rich in flavors, passions and artisan techniques that are handed down from generation to generation. In this journey through the places and stories that have made Neapolitan pizza a global phenomenon, we will focus on some of the most significant points that characterize its essence.

Neapolitan pizza is not just a dish: it is an art, a tradition that has its roots in distant times. Its birth is shrouded in legends and stories that speak of a simple but extraordinary food, capable of uniting people. Among the historic pizzerias, the ancient Pizzeria da Michele stands out, a true temple for pizza lovers, where traditional dough and cooking in a wood-fired oven come together to create authentic culinary works of art.

We will also discover the Forcella neighbourhood, famous for its lively gastronomic scene and the pizzerias that have given birth to new generations of pizza chefs. There will be no shortage of insights into the festivals and events dedicated to this iconic dish, as well as the UNESCO recognition of the art of the pizza chef, which celebrates the cultural importance of Neapolitan pizza. Through ten key points, we will explore how pizza represents a message of culture and passion, capable of telling unique stories and traditions, making Naples an unmissable destination for every lover of good food.

The birth of Neapolitan pizza

The origin of Neapolitan pizza dates back to the 18th century, when it was prepared by farmers with simple ingredients such as tomato, olive oil, basil and mozzarella. Pizza was considered a poor, but tasty and nutritious dish, which quickly spread among the population.

The real revolution of Neapolitan pizza, however, occurred in 1889, when the pizza chef Raffaele Esposito created the Margherita pizza in honor of Queen Margherita of Savoy. This pizza, topped with tomato, mozzarella and basil, became a symbol of Italian cuisine and contributed to making pizza famous throughout the world.

Today Neapolitan pizza is considered a gastronomic excellence, so much so that in 2017 it was recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity.

Neapolitan pizza therefore represents not only a traditional dish, but also a symbol of the culture and passion of Neapolitans for good food.

The ancient Pizzeria da Michele

History and tradition

The Antica Pizzeria da Michele is one of the most iconic places in Naples when it comes to pizza. Founded in 1870, it is one of the oldest pizzerias in the city and has a history rich in tradition and passion for Neapolitan pizza. Located in the heart of the historic center of Naples, in Via Cesare Sersale, the pizzeria became famous thanks to the novel and film "Eat, Pray, Love", where Julia Roberts eats her famous Margherita pizza.

The Margherita pizza

Da Michele is best known for its Margherita pizza, prepared with a few simple ingredients: San Marzano tomato, buffalo mozzarella, fresh basil, extra virgin olive oil and salt. The pizza is cooked in a wood-fired oven for a few minutes, until it becomes crispy and golden. The result is a pizza with an authentic and unmistakable flavour, which best represents the Neapolitan culinary tradition.

Environment and atmosphere

Entering the Antica Pizzeria da Michele means immersing yourself in a unique and traditional atmosphere. The walls decorated with photos and vintage articles, the wood-burning oven that burns constantly and the scent of freshly baked pizza create an unforgettable experience for anyone who visits the place. The friendly and welcoming staff completes the familiar and authentic atmosphere of the pizzeria.

In conclusion, the Antica Pizzeria da Michele represents not only a place to enjoy excellent Neapolitan pizza, but also a symbol of tradition and passion for Neapolitan cuisine. Its centuries-old history and the quality of its products make it a must-see for anyone who wants to live an authentic experience and enjoy one of the best pizzas in Naples.

The secrets of the traditional dough

Neapolitan pizza is renowned throughout the world for its unique and unmistakable dough. The main ingredients for making traditional dough are flour, water, yeast and salt. But what makes the Neapolitan pizza dough truly special is the artisanal process and the care with which it is prepared.

The flour used for the dough is type 0 or 00, with a protein percentage that varies between 12% and 14%. This type of flour guarantees a soft and elastic consistency to the pizza. The water must be at room temperature and not too cold or too hot, in order to help the dough rise. The yeast used is fresh brewer's yeast, which gives the pizza its characteristic slightly bitter aroma and flavour.

But the main secret of the traditional Neapolitan pizza dough lies in its hand-crafting. The ingredients are mixed delicately so as not to stress the gluten present in the flour too much, in order to obtain a light and fluffy consistency. The dough is then left to rise for at least 8-12 hours, in order to develop the flavors and obtain a honeycomb and aerated consistency.

Once leavened, the dough is rolled out by hand with delicate and precise movements, without the use of a rolling pin or machinery. This artisanal process gives Neapolitan pizza its round and slightly irregular shape. Finally, before being baked, the dough is seasoned with peeled tomatoes, DOP buffalo mozzarella, fresh basil, extra virgin olive oil and salt. These high quality ingredients and the care in preparing the dough are what make Neapolitan pizza a true gastronomic masterpiece.

The cooking technique in a wood oven

Cooking in a wood oven: an ancient and traditional art

One of the distinctive elements of Neapolitan pizza is its cooking in a wood-fired oven. This ancient and traditional technique gives the pizza a unique and unmistakable flavour, making it crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. The wood-fired oven, powered by beech or oak wood, reaches very high temperatures which allow the pizza to be cooked in just a few minutes, giving it that characteristic consistency and aroma that make it so loved all over the world.

Cooking in a wood-fired oven requires great skill and experience on the part of the pizza chef, as it is essential to know how to manage the temperature and heat distribution inside the oven to obtain a perfect pizza. The pizza chef must know how to rotate the pizza uniformly inside the oven, so that it cooks evenly on all sides, without burning or drying out.

The secret of good cooking in a wood-fired oven also lies in the choice of ingredients and dough, as only high-quality raw materials and a well-leavened dough can resist the high temperatures of the oven and keep their properties intact organoleptic.

The tradition of cooking in a wood-fired oven has been handed down through generations of Neapolitan pizza chefs, who with passion and dedication safeguard this ancient knowledge to offer their customers true Neapolitan pizza, authentic and genuine.

The Margherita and Marinara: the queens of tradition

The Margherita

The Margherita pizza is probably the most famous and representative of the Neapolitan tradition. Legend has it that it was created in 1889 by the pizza chef Raffaele Esposito in honor of Queen Margherita of Savoy, during her visit to Naples. The pizza was made up of tomato, mozzarella and basil, ingredients that recalled the colors of the Italian flag. Since then, the Margherita has become a symbol of Italian cuisine in the world, appreciated for its simplicity and goodness.


The Marinara pizza is another great protagonist of the Neapolitan tradition. Its name derives from the fact that it was the favorite meal of fishermen, who prepared it with simple and genuine ingredients. Marinara is made from tomato, garlic, oregano and extra virgin olive oil, without the addition of mozzarella. Despite its simplicity, it is loved by many for its unique and strong flavor, which recalls the ancient and authentic culinary traditions of Naples.

The Margherita and the Marinara are two pizzas that embody the soul of the Neapolitan tradition, made of high quality ingredients and artisanal workmanship. They are the undisputed queens of Neapolitan pizzerias, where they are prepared with care and passion by master pizza chefs. Savoring a Margherita or a Marinara in Naples means immersing yourself in the history and culture of this city, which has made pizza its strong and most loved dish.

Forcella: the pizza neighborhood

History and tradition

Forcella is a historic district of Naples that has a long tradition linked to the production and consumption of pizza. Located in the heart of the city, Forcella has become over the years a point of reference for lovers of traditional Neapolitan pizza.

The pizzerias of Forcella

The neighborhood is famous for its numerous historic pizzerias and small shops that still produce true Neapolitan pizza. Here it is possible to taste various local specialties, such as Margherita and Marinara, prepared according to ancient recipes handed down from generation to generation.

The culture of pizza

Forcella is also a place where you can breathe the true culture of pizza. The neighborhood pizza makers are true artists of wood-fired oven cooking and each pizza is prepared with care and passion, following the secrets of the traditional dough. Neapolitan pizza is not just a dish to be enjoyed, but also a symbol of identity and tradition for the city of Naples.

In conclusion, Forcella is a neighborhood that represents the beating heart of Neapolitan pizza, where tradition and innovation come together to offer a unique experience to visitors. Visiting the pizzerias of Forcella means immersing yourself in the true soul of Naples and discovering the true meaning of passion and culinary culture.

Historical pizzerias and new generations

The historic pizzerias in Naples

Naples is the home of pizza and boasts numerous historic pizzerias that have made the history of this dish. Among the most famous we find Pizzeria Brandi, where in 1889 the Margherita pizza was created in honor of Queen Margherita of Savoy. Other historic pizzerias include Sorbillo, Di Matteo and Da Michele, the latter founded in 1870 and renowned for its authenticity and tradition.

The new generations of pizza chefs

In recent years, the Neapolitan pizza scene has seen the emergence of new generations of pizza chefs who reinterpret tradition in a modern way. Young talents have opened innovative pizzerias that play with new ingredients and cooking techniques, while always maintaining respect for tradition and the quality of the ingredients.

The new generations are taking Neapolitan pizza to the next level, experimenting with alternative flours, natural yeasts and unusual toppings. This mix of tradition and innovation has made Naples an increasingly interesting destination for lovers of good food and pizza in particular.

Historic pizzerias continue to be a point of reference for those seeking the authentic Neapolitan pizza experience, while new generations bring freshness and creativity to the sector. The diversity of the offer means that every pizza enthusiast can find their favorite pizzeria in Naples, from the most traditional ones to the most trendy and innovative ones.

No matter what your preference, one thing is certain: in Naples you will never have difficulty finding a good pizza!

UNESCO recognition of the art of the pizza chef

Neapolitan pizza as a cultural heritage of humanity

One of the most significant moments in the history of Neapolitan pizza was its recognition by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity. This important event took place in 2017, when the art of the Neapolitan pizza chef was included in the representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity. This recognition confirmed the historical, cultural and gastronomic value of Neapolitan pizza, underlining its role in promoting conviviality and food culture.

UNESCO's decision to include Neapolitan pizza in the list of intangible cultural heritage was welcomed with great enthusiasm in Naples and around the world. This recognition has contributed to enhancing the art of the Neapolitan pizza chef, promoting the tradition and authenticity of Neapolitan pizza at an international level. Thanks to this prestigious recognition, Neapolitan pizza has become a symbol of gastronomic and cultural excellence, representing the identity and history of Naples.

The recognition of the art of the Neapolitan pizza chef by UNESCO has contributed to preserving and promoting the tradition of Neapolitan pizza, guaranteeing its authenticity and originality over time. Thanks to this important step, Neapolitan pizza has been elevated to a level of international excellence, becoming a true ambassador of Neapolitan culture and gastronomy.

The UNESCO recognition of the art of the pizza chef

Neapolitan pizza becomes part of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity

On 7 December 2017, Neapolitan pizza was officially recognized as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity by UNESCO. This prestigious award was awarded to the art of the Neapolitan pizza chef, recognizing his role in promoting conviviality and socialization, as well as in the preservation of local culinary traditions.

The art of the Neapolitan pizza chef has been celebrated for its ability to convey values ​​of conviviality, generosity and creativity, as well as for its importance in promoting cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue. Neapolitan pizza has become a symbol of Neapolitan and Italian culture in the world, representing a bridge between tradition and innovation.

The UNESCO recognition of the art of the Neapolitan pizza chef has contributed to enhancing and protecting this ancient tradition, guaranteeing its authenticity and preserving the knowledge and techniques handed down from generation to generation. Thanks to this important recognition, Neapolitan pizza has become a symbol of cultural identity and pride for the city of Naples and for Italy as a whole.

The title of intangible cultural heritage of humanity conferred on the art of the Neapolitan pizza chef has contributed to promoting Italian gastronomic culture and enhancing the work of pizza chefs who, with dedication and passion, continue to preserve and spread this ancient tradition. Neapolitan pizza has become a symbol of culinary excellence and national identity, representing a heritage to be protected and enhanced for future generations.